Welcome to Naverisk 2023 R3
Naverisk is a complete, all-in-one, RMM & Service Desk / PSA platform that helps MSP’s and IT professionals easily monitor and automate IT services and operations.
We value feedback on our roadmap! Our Forum (https://forum.naverisk.com) is the place to share feature requests or usability comments for roadmap consideration.
New features
Naverisk Mobile app
In this release, we have been creating and updating Naverisk APIs ahead of the upcoming release of the Naverisk mobile app.
Here are some preview screenshots:
Hyperlink, quick access
Added the option to open the Ticket details page by clicking the ticket number in the ticket grid, making it easier to view and edit tickets. The same change has been implemented in the following grids:
Email templates, Ticket numbers in Ticket grid, Files, Ticket numbers in Device grid, Client Settings, Service grid, Agreements, OS templates, Alert Templates, User and Groups, Device roles.
Ticket activity, filters
Changed how we display which filter is applied to the activity tab to simplify and declutter the interface.
Tickets, contact information
Removed secondary contact to only display relevant ticket information.
Settings, icon UX
Streamlined the Settings icon in navigation panel to be consistent and predictable.
Script pack, result information modal
Changed how the script result information is displayed to make it easier to review the output of scripts.
Agreements, client default
Changed which agreements can be selected in the default agreement field by making only active and current agreements available.
Performance, stability & quality improvements
You asked, we listened. On top of all the new features and improvements in this release, we also had a major focus on fixing bugs and improving the general performance of the platform.
Based on feedback from our users, we have addressed the following bugs:
· Fixed: agreement alerts will no longer default to -1
· Fixed: agreement can be saved when agreement alerts are empty
· Fixed: Save and Cancel buttons of event monitoring modal will show correctly when all fields are displayed
· Fixed: updated ticket activity tab to make sure that all attachments are always showing in the correct note
· Fixed: start, end and duration fields of script result modal will correctly show once a script had finish running
· Fixed: added extra validation when creating a new ticket to prevent losing unsaved changes
· Fixed: agreement report will show the same date format across the whole report
· Fixed: search modal will open without errors
· Fixed: manually entered email addresses will not be removed when contacts are added to recipients fields of public replies.