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Naverisk 2021 R1
Updated over a week ago

Less admin, more quality work.

The Naverisk 2021 R1 release is a big one.

With the release of the NEW button, bulk management upgrades and SNMP monitoring tickets, you’ll find yourself spending less time on admin, more time on quality work.

With a bumper list of new features and improvements, it’s hard to do all of them service in one set of release notes. Below is a sample of the key features. For full notes click here.

NEW Button in Quick Access

Talk about ease-of-use. The NEW button will allow you to take a range of actions from whatever page you are on.

Located in the Quick Access bar, you’ll now be able to create new tickets, devices, contacts, schedule jobs and more with a single click.

From agreements to services, scripts to automation rules, the NEW button will save you valuable time when taking actions within Naverisk.

Bulk Contact Management

With the new checkboxes and task dropdowns on the Contact page it is now easy to make bulk changes to your Contact list.

Just select the Contacts you want, then edit or delete them as necessary.

Bonus: This also applies to the Scheduling page, with users now able to make bulk updates to Scheduled Jobs statuses and bulk delete Scheduled Jobs.

SNMP Device Monitoring

Ever wanted to raise a Ticket when an SNMP device disconnects? Now you can.

From the Monitoring tab, users can now create a Device-specific OS Template.

New Agent Installer

Your Windows Naverisk agents will now be shown as a trusted app on install. The new agent installer includes a signed MSI installer which will check for an existing NAS.cfg file.

Historical Invoice Reports

The new Invoice Report Download features the ability to download historical reports.

This means that from a Client’s page you can now access any report that has previously been run on that client.

New Column Selector

The Service Desk and Device page grids have undergone a makeover. With the new Column selector, users have the ability to check off which columns they want.

This makes setting up custom grid configurations much faster than before.

Other improvements

Outside of the features listed above, there are a raft of improvements across the entire application:

  1. Device Attribute to Inventory Report

  2. Disk Label / Volume Name

  3. Patching page performance improvements

  4. New expanded Ticket UI

  5. New Service Status for Services

  6. Contact Import update

  7. New Device page UI

  8. Ticket Category Reports

  9. Automation Rule dialogue box improvements

For a .pdf version of the release notes, you can download from the link below:

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