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Reporting Server - Advanced Configuration
Reporting Server - Advanced Configuration

Learn how to utilise another machine as your Reporting Service for your Site Controller.

Updated over a week ago


This guide outlines how to utilise another machine as your Reporting Service for your Site Controller, this may be necessary when you are attempting to run a Report that is causing a Site Controller timeout due to having either too much data to report on, or the reporting period is large.

Please remember to take backups prior to making any changes outlined in this guide.

1.0 Preliminary Checks

Please execute the following steps in order to prepare your Naverisk system for running a secondary reporting service on another Device under your Network.

For tutorial purposes we will be using the following:

Server1 = Primary Site Controller Server (for Reference where SQL is installed on the Site Controller Device).

Server2 = Reporting Service on the Reporting Server.

Make sure of the following:

  1. The Site Controller (Server1) database is accessible from Server2. Take note of the Database Source/Instance and (sa) admin password. 

  2. The Naverisk Folder is shared on Server1.

2.0 Implementation

2.1 Secondary Site Controller

  1. Install the SiteController (NaveriskInstaller.msi) on Server2

  2. Stop all Naverisk Services

  3. Update the Startup Type of the following service to 'Disabled'
    -    NaveriskAgent
    -    NaveriskServiceMonitor
    -    NaveriskSiteController

4. Open Port 9995 inbound and outbound (Naverisk 9995 - ReportingRemotingServerPort)
5. Update the "NaveriskSiteController.exe"

  • ApplicationServiceMachineName = "Server1"

  • DataAccessLayerDSN   =   "Data   Source=Server1/SQLEXPRESS;Initial   Catalog=Naverisk;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;password=abcDEF123;" --- please replace the Data Source, UserID and Password with the correct info:

  • The Historical Data Source locations will also need to be updated as per the example below: HistoricalDataStore = "\\Server1\Naverisk\SiteController\HistoricalDataStore"

6. Copy all the custom Report (RDL files) from Server1 and copy/overwrite it to Server2
7. Start the Reporting Service On the Site Controller Server (Server1).

2.2 Primary Site Controller

  1. Stop all Naverisk Services           

  • NaveriskServiceMonitor

  • NaveriskSiteController

  • NaveriskAgent

  • NaveriskReportingService

2. Update the Startup Type of the NaveriskReportingService to 'Disabled'
3. Update the web.config

  • ReportingServiceMachineName = "Server2"

4. Start the following Services

  • NaveriskServiceMonitor

  • NaveriskSiteController

  • NaveriskAgent

3.0 Testing

  1. Restart IIS and then test the following Reports:
    -   Executive Summary Report.
    -   Inventory Report (access to xml).
    -   Performance Summary Report (access to historical Data).
    -   Availability Summary Report (access to Database).
    -   Custom Report (containing all the Summary Reports).

  2. Setup different Run Report jobs, check if the Report is being sent to the recipients.

  3. Check also if there are any exceptions on the Logs (Reports, Website and Site Controller).

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