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Site Controller Parameters
Site Controller Parameters

Learn what Parameters are available for modification in the Site Controller config file.

Updated over 6 months ago


This document will outline the Parameters that are available in the Site Controller config file for modification. These can be used to resolve certain issues or for customisation.

Please remember to take a backup of the file prior to making any changes. You will need to restart your Site Controller for the changes to take effect.

SC parameters are located in the config file which is located at the default location of :
C:\Programs Files x86)\Naverisk\SiteController\NaveriskSiteController.exe.config

1.0 Parameters

1.1 Auto Archive Incident Age

This indicates how many days will pass before a closed incident is archived. Default value is 3. Set to 0 to turn Auto Archiving off.

  • <add key="AutoArchiveIncidentsAge" value="3" />

1.2 UserMaxConcurrentLogon

This indicates how many concurrent sessions a single user account may have open at any point in time. MaxConcurrentLogon will always be 1 when the Logon has no timeout specified.

  • <add key="UserMaxConcurrentLogon" value="2" />

1.3 Canned Text Template Directory

This indicates the folder the application will look in to find canned text for use in email Ticket responses. This folder is relative to the install path of the Site Controller.

  • <add key="CannedTextTemplateDirectory" value="CannedTextTemplate" />

1.4 SC Logging

This indicates what level of logging we are running and where the Log File should be located.

  • <add key="LogLevel" value="5" />

  • <add key="LogFolder" value="Naverisk/Logs" />

1.5 NC Connection Timeout

This indicates the NC should miss 4 pings before it is reconnected.

  • <add key="NCPingTimeoutMultiplier" value="4" />

1.6 Email Encoding

This Key allows configuration of the email encoding that is sent from a Site Controller. Valid values are "UTF8", "ASCII", "NONE" and "HTML".

For any value other than NONE the mailer will encode the email using that character set. All strings in the email are MIME encoded for transport.

The value NONE removes all MIME encoding from the email and sends the mail in plain text.

The ability to send HTML coded emails is enabled when you set the parameter to HTML. There other steps in creating an HTML template which is covered in the Email Integration Guide that can be found in the Naverisk Resource Centre.

  • <add key="EmailEncoding" value="NONE" />

1.7 Email forwarding

When you are using external email servers it may be necessary to have the original email sent to Naverisk set up as a forward. By default, Naverisk will send the email as it arrived through to the designated people on the notification list. With Email Security it may not be possible for Naverisk to use the original from person in the email. When this is the case it is possible to have Naverisk include the original email as a forward. In this way the email is sent as if from Naverisk itself and does not get identified as malicious by the external email system.

This indicates that email should be sent as a forward.

  • <add key=EmailToAlertRecipient value="Normal" />

1.8 Database Maintenance Window

These values allow the user to control the Database Maintenance Window. This is the time during which Naverisk performs work to maintain the performance of the system. The default Database Maintenance Window starts at 1 am and runs for 2 hours.

The MaintWindowStartHour indicates which hour the maintenance can start. This is in 24-hour clock with 0 being midnight.

The MaintWindowLengthHours indicates how many hours the maintenance window should list. A value of 0 will result in no maintenance window and Naverisk will not maintain the database automatically.

  • <add key="MaintWindowStartHour" value="1" />

  • <add key="MaintWIndowLengthHours" value="2" />

1.9 RC Internal Address

As part of starting a Remote Control (RC) sessions a local address is given to the agent so it can connect to the server if its is on the local network. With poor DNS configurations this can cause problems for the start-up of the RC session. The key can be used in 3 ways.

  1. If it is blank or does not exist use the NETBIOS name of the machine.

  2. If it is set to FQDN use the DNS name of this machine.

  3. If it is set to any other values use that value.

  • <add key="RCInternalAddress" value="FQDN" />

1.10 Historical Data Store

This controls the folder location where files that contain historical performance data are kept. This can be a full path to a location on a different disk. This file location should be included in backups for the site controller.

  • <add key="HistoricalDataStore" value="HistoricalDataStore" />

1.11 Tickets Updated Time

The 'Last Update' value in the UI captures the time since a Technician/Customer made a change to a ticket.

This parameter allows customization for specific actions to reset the 'Last Update' timestamp.

NOTE: Monitoring updates and System activities do not impact the "Last Updated" value.

Onsite Naverisk customers have 3 available options:

  1. All - Updates the Last Update value when either an Email or a Naverisk User manually edit a ticket:

    • <add key="IncidentUpdateBaseOn" value="All" />

  2. StateChangeAndAddNote - Updates the Last Update value only when an email or Naverisk user adds a note to the ticket, or when a ticket is assigned, closed or re-opened:

    • <add key="IncidentUpdateBaseOn" value="StateChangeAndAddNote" />

  3. EmailOnly - Updates the Last Update value only when an email has been sent or received for a ticket:

    • <add key="IncidentUpdateBaseOn" value="EmailOnly" />

Note that all the Naverisk Clouds are set to: StateChangeAndAddNote.

1.12 RC Log Traffic

Log Network Packets for RC debugging. This should only be done development or on small servers. Default value = 0

  • <add key="RCLogTraffic" value="0" />

1.13 Data Access Layer DSN

This is used to set up the database connection. An example of using SQL server authentication.

  • <add key="DataAccessLayerDSN" value="Data Source={Database Server}I;User ID={UserName};Password={Password};Initial Catalog=Naverisk;Persist Security Info=True;" />

1.14 UploadTimeoutSeconds

The Number of seconds an NC has to respond to the upload request before the SC will timeout the request.

  • <add key="UploadTimeoutSeconds" value="3600" />

1.15 MaxNCDownloadQueueSize

The maximum number of upload requests that will be queued for a network controller. Any requests above this number will be lost.

  • <add key="MaxNCDownloadQueueSize" value="500" />

1.16 AutomaticSCMaintenanceMode

This controls the action of the SC when the global NC disconnects. If the key is not present the SC behaves as normal. When the key is present and set to GNCDisconnect. The global NC disconnecting will put the site into maintenance mode immediately. When the global NC reconnects the site will exit maintenance mode.

  • <add key="AutoMMode" value="GNCDisconnect" />

1.17 Rule Can Work on Same Ticket Again After N Minutes

This specifies after how many minutes the same Rule can work on a ticket that this rule had previously run against. The default value is 5 minutes

  • <add key="RuleCanWorkOnSameTicketAgainAfterNMinutes" value="10" />

1.18 TicketDescriptionIncludeDevice

This controls the Ticket Description if it will include the Device Name or not. 0=Default (this will exclude the Device Name on the Ticket Description); 1=(This will include the Device Name on the Ticket Description).

  • <add key="TicketDescriptionIncludeDevice" value="0" />

1.19 TicketEmailCheckWaitLength

This is the parameter to be configured in NaveriskSiteController.exe.config file to determine the time interval for NaveriskSiteController to poll the integrated pop server for incoming emails. The value is in milliseconds.

  • <add key="TicketEmailCheckWaitLength" value="15000" />

1.20 Total Job Thread

This controls the number of threads to carry out the scheduled jobs

  • <add key="TotalJobThread" value="5" />

1.21 Xero Integration Invoice Including Tax

This setting will enable you to create an invoice in Xero as Tax inclusive (1) or Tax Exclusive (0). The default is set to Tax Exclusive (0)

  • <add key="XeroIntegrationInvoiceIncludingTax" value="0" />

1.22 Agent Data Files

This controls the location of the files to be transferred to agents. If this parameters is missing the default setting above will be used.

  • <add key="AgentDataFiles" value="AgentDataFiles" />

1.23 WMI Agent Install

This controls the folder name of the files for installing the agent on WMI devices, this will always be appended to the "AgentDataFiles" location. If the parameters is missing "WMIAgentInstall" will be used.

  • <add key="WMIAgentInstall" value="WMIAgentInstall" />

2.0 Configuring Naverisk Port Numbers

To customise the Ports used by Naverisk, the following Keys are required.

2.1 ACT Server Port

This defines the Port over which Agents communicate with the Site Controller initially (default is 9202). They retrieve Network Controller details after the initial connection.

  • <add key="ACTServerPort" value="9202" />

2.2 Network Controller Listen Port

This defines the Port used for connection by Agents to the Network Controller (default is 8092).

  • <add key="NCSocketServerPort" value="8092" />

2.3 NC Socket Server Port

This defines the Port used by the Network Controller to connect to the Site Controller (default is 9999).

2.4 VNC Relay Server Port

This is the Port used to establish Remote Connections using VNC (default is 9990)

  • <add key="VNCRelayServerPort" value="9990" />

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