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Agent Package Parameters

Learn about the Parameters within the Packages that are deployed on Naverisk Agents.

Updated over a week ago


This guide will outline different Parameters within the Packages that are deployed on Naverisk Agents.

Some Naverisk Packages can use Configuration Files to modify their behaviour. All Package Configuration Files are called ‘package.cfg’, and they reside in the same folder as the Package DLL itself. If there is no package.cfg present, one can be created by the user.

1.0 File Locations

The Package Parameters cannot be configured at the Site Controller and automatically deployed out to all Agents.

You can either manually reconfigure the config files by editing them on respective Devices or use a script to push a configuration change out to multiple Agents at once.

The Packages (and their Configuration Files) are located in their respective Package subfolders of the following locations:

  • 32 bit Windows systems - C:\Program Files\Naverisk\Agent\Packages\

  • 64 bit Windows systems - C:\Program Files(x86)\Naverisk\Agent\Packages\

  • Mac and Linux systems - /usr/share/Naverisk/Packages/

2.0 Event Log Scan

2.1 WMI Callback

This controls whether to use the WMI Callback method to monitor for a new Windows Event Log entries. If the Event Log package is not behaving as expected, you can try explicitly enabling or disabling the Callback method.

  • WMICallback: disable, enable (e.g. WMICallback=disable)

2.2 Max Event Violations per Minute

Controls how many Events the Agent will process per minute before the Event Log package will stop running.

  • MaxEventViolationsPerMinutes: 35(e.g. MaxEventViolationsPerMinute=60)

2.3 Scan Delay

This controls the number of seconds before the initial scan is started.

  • ScanDelay: 300(e.g. ScanDelay=300)

2.4 Scan Interval

This controls the number of seconds before the rescan is completed.

  • ScanInterval: 86400(e.g. ScanInterval=86400)

3.0 Performance Monitor

3.1 Ignore Drives

This tells the Performance Monitor package which drives not to monitor for space usage.

  • IgnoreDrives: (drive names, comma separated) (e.g. IgnoreDrives=d:,e:)

3.2 Monitor USB

This tells the Performance Monitor to include USB Devices in disk space usage. Default value is 0 (Do not include USB Devices in performance monitoring).

  • MonitorUSB: 0,1 (e.g. MonitorUSB=1)

4.0 Remote Control

4.1 VNC Server Port

This instructs the Package to use a different Port to contact the VNC server.

  • VNCServerPort: (Port number to use) (e.g. VNCServerPort=7070)

4.2 RDP Server Port

This instructs the Package to use a different Port to contact the RDP server.

  • RDPServerPort: (Port number to use) (e.g. RDPServerPort=7090)

4.3 Start Service

This instructs the package whether it should try to start the VNC service on starting a VNC RC session.

  • StartService: 0,1 (e.g. StartService=0)

4.4 Max Block Size

Sets the maximum size of blocks that will be processed at a time in the VNC bridge. Higher numbers provide better performance on a LAN. Lower number may be required on WAN's to prevent packet fragmentation. If unset the default value is 8192.

  • MaxBlockSize: 10-16383 (e.g. MaxBlockSize=8192)

4.5 VNC Installed

Used in Mac Agent only to track settings of Apple Remote Desktop Services. Set value to 0 to get the package to reset Apple Remote Desktop service settings. This is usually set to 1 by the agent.

  • VNC Installed: 0,1

5.0 Window Updates

5.1 Bypass WSUS

This passes Setup Options on to the Setup Utility. i.e. Commands=/bypass_wsustells the package not to use WSUS as a source for Microsoft updates, and to go directly to Microsoft’s servers.

  • Command: (Patcher utility command) (e.g.Commands=/bypass_wsus)

6.0 Operating System Scan

6.1 Scan Delay

This controls the number of seconds before the initial scan is started.

  • ScanDelay: 480(e.g. ScanDelay=480)

6.2 Scan Interval

This controls the number of seconds before the rescan is completed.

  • ScanInterval: 86400(e.g. ScanInterval=86400)

6.3 Service Poll Delay

Controls the number of seconds the Agent will wait after starting before it starts polling for service state. The polling starts at the earliest of ScanDelay or ServicePollDelay.

  • ServicePollDelay: 60(e.g. ServicePollDelay=60)

7.0 SNMP

7.1 ScanList

e.g. ScanList=,public;,,secure

Controls what Subnet Ranges are scanned when you ask the SNMP package to scan for Devices. By default the value is unpopulated and will result in a scan based on the current IP address of the Device with the SNMP package on.

The format is as follows: StartIPAddress-EndIPAddress,Community

Each entry is separated with a ";"

The scan will try every IP address between the StartIPAddress and EndIPAddress including the start and end address.

7.2 SnmpGetTimeout

(e.g. SnmpGetTimeout=0.7)

Specify how long the SNMP get will wait for an answer from the device. The default is 0.7 seconds. Making this value too large can cause the agent to drop offline while getting SNMP information.

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