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Agent Connectivity

Troubleshoot and resolve any issues around the connectivity of Naverisk agents.

Updated over 9 months ago


This document will help resolve any issues that may be encountered around the connectivity of any Naverisk Agents.

1.0 Steps to take for Troubleshooting

If the Agent has been downloaded and installed on a Device but the Device has not appeared in the Naverisk Console then please follow these steps to resolve:

  1. Were there any error messages during the installation of the Agent? To check, try running the installer in a Command Prompt

2. Make sure that the Device View in Naverisk is unfiltered.

3. is the Naverisk website name defined correctly in Naverisk > Settings > System Settings?

4. Is the Naverisk website name defined correctly for the global Network Controller?

5. Is the Naverisk Website resolvable? Ping your own website from the effected device.

  • Ping the Website Name from the Device that has just had the Agent installed and see if there is a reply. If the ICMP echoes are disabled for that URL, then try to trace it to ensure that it can be reached.

  • For Onsite Installations, run a Port Test in Settings > System Settings. If crosses have been received for any of the Ports in the test then this will need to be resolved before continuing.

2.0 Additional Troubleshooting

2.1 Windows Devices

  1. Make sure that service has been setup on the Device itself. The service name for the Agent id NaveriskAgent. Make sure that it is started.

  2. Are the program folders setup? There should be a C:\Program Files\Naverisk\Agent folder.

  3. Check the %ProgramData%\Naverisk\logs folder and look for the newest Agent* .txt Log file. Scroll to the end of this Log file to see why the Agent cannot connect. For a newly installed Device expect to see the following:

  • The Naverisk Agent is installed, and the packages are setup.

  • The Agent tries to connect to 9202 first to get the Network Controller settings.

  • The Agent then tries to connect to 8092 to reach the Site Controller.

  • This can help identify the point of failure.

If the problem cannot be resolved with the above steps, then please contact Naverisk support for assistance.

2.2 Mac & Linux Devices

Sometimes in Linux issues such as a 'Failure to Extract the installer Package' can occur. If this is the case please download the package again.

If the program folders cannot be created then this indicates that the installer is not being run with full user permissions. Please ensure that it is being run with the sudo prefix.

If any of the following error dialogs appear -

  • Setting up Auto Start Service 

  • On Unknown

  • Unable to Configure Auto Start

This indicates that the Agent is not able to detect the version of Linux it is being installed on. Email with the Linux distribution and version number that this error has occurred on and we will test and investigate the problem.

3.0 Folder Locations

3.1 Windows

Note that %ProgramFiles% can mean either “C:\program files” or “C:\program files (x86)”

  • Log files:

    C:\%ProgramData%\Naverisk\logs (Windows Vista and later)
    C:\documents and settings\all users\Application Data\Naverisk\Logs (in Windows XP).

    Config files - %ProgramData%\Naverisk\Agent.NAS.cfg

    Executable - C:\%Program Files%\Naverisk\Agent

  • Packages - C:\%Program Files%\Naverisk\Agent\Packages

3.2 Apple Mac 

  • Log Files - /var/root/Library/Logs/Naverisk/

  • Config Files - /Library/Naverisk/

  • Executable - /usr/share/Naverisk/

  • Packages - /usr/share/Naverisk/Packages/

  • Service Defn - /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

3.3 Linux & Citrix

  • Log Files - /root/Naverisk

  • Config File - /var/Naverisk/Agent

  • Executable - /usr/share/Naverisk

  • Service Defn - /etc/init/naverisk-agent.conf

Look for the newest Agent*.txt log file. Scroll to the end of this log file to see why the Agent cannot connect.For a newly installed device expect to see the following:

  • The Naverisk agent is installed and packages are setup.

  • The agent tries to connect to 9202 first to get the Network Controller settings.

  • The agent then tries to connect to 8092 to reach the site controller.

  • This can help identify the point of failure.

If the problem cannot be identified with the aforementioned steps, please contact Naverisk for further assistance with specific distribution and version number of the Linux machine the Naverisk Agent is installed on. This information can be found with the terminal commands ‘uname’ and ‘etc/cat/issue’.

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