Installing Linux Agents
Download the 64bit or 32bit Agent as appropriate from your Naverisk console. From the Devices tab, select the appropriate client, then New Device > Linux > Agent Type.
When downloading Linux agents please download them directly to a Linux based machine. If you download the Agent to a Windows machine first, then the installer can be modified when sending to the Linux device, resulting in extraction errors.
Install using:
sudo bash ./{}
If you need to upgrade the Agent, just repeat the installation command with the new installer, or use The Linux Agent Upgrade scripts that can be found on the Naverisk Routine Store.
SSH Remote Access
You can launch a SSH connection to a Linux device from Naverisk. This will require a local SSH client (puTTY) to be installed on your PC, and SSH will need to be enabled on the Linux device.
To start the SSH session, in Naverisk select SSH and optionally select the port (default is 22), then click the Remote Control Icon.
You may be asked to open NaveriskRCStarter.
This will then launch the local SSH client.
Splashtop Streamer Remote Access
Splashtop Business provides Splashtop Streamer for some Linux distributions, which allows Splashtop Business to launch a connection session from Naverisk.
To find out and Download the versions of Linux currently supported by Splashtop Streamer, please refer to:
For how to setup Splashtop Business for Naverisk Clients, please refer to our Knowledge Base article ‘Splashtop Business Configuration’.
Note that the 12 digit deployment code that is created in Splashtop Business when following the KB article will be used when installing the Splashtop Streamer on a Linux device.
From within Naverisk, selecting Splashtop Business as the Remote Control method will launch the local Splashtop Business client application and start a remote control session.
The Naverisk Linux Agent supports patch management for the Red Hat (RPM) and Debian (DPKG) distros.
This allows selected patches to be installed on demand, to be scheduled, and to be reported on.
For the full guide to how Naverisk simplifies patch management across client devices, please refer to our Knowledge Base article ‘Patch Management’.
The Patching tab allows filtering on Device Type to highlight Linux patches against the entire client.
The patching reports capture Linux Devices.
From within an individual device, the Details > Patch Management panel allows inspecting and acting on patches for that specific device.
Agent File Locations
Log Files: /root/Naverisk
Agent Configuration File: /var/Naverisk/Agent
Agent Executable: /usr/share/Naverisk
Service Defn for Ubuntu 16 and above /etc/systemd/system/naverisk-agent.service
Service Defn for Ubuntu 14 and below /etc/init/naverisk-agent.conf
Agent Control Commands
For Ubuntu 14 and above:
sudo systemctl status naverisk-agent
sudo systemctl stop naverisk-agent
sudo systemctl start naverisk-agent
Ubuntu (older versions):
sudo initctl status naverisk-agent
sudo initctl stop naverisk-agent
sudo initctl start naverisk-agent
service naverisk-agent status
service naverisk-agent stop
service naverisk-agent start
Removing Linux Agents
Remove agents by running the following commands in sequence:
To remove a Naverisk agent from a Linux system which uses systemctl:
Sudo systemctl stop naverisk-agent
Sudo systemctl disable naverisk-agent
Sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/naverisk-agent.service
Sudo rm -rf /root/Naverisk
Sudo rm -rf /var/Naverisk
Sudo rm -rf /usr/share/Naverisk
To remove an older version:
sudo initctl stop naverisk-agent
sudo rm -rf /var/Naverisk
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/Naverisk
sudo rm -rf /root/Naverisk
sudo rm /etc/init/naverisk-agent.conf
Agent install for other Distros
It may be possible to install an agent in other distros.
You may need to run the following commands and below is an example for SuSe Linux.
1. Please run this command before running agent install
sudo touch /etc/SuSE-release
2. Then run agent install
3. Followed by this command
//do install
sudo rm /etc/SuSE-release
The agent should then install and run fine.