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Upgrade Guide

Ensure seamless Naverisk upgrades with these preliminary upgrade steps.

Updated over a week ago

Naverisk Upgrade Guide

This guide is for upgrading an existing Naverisk installation from version 2020 R3 or later to the latest version of Naverisk.

Do not use this guide to upgrade from an earlier release, as the procedure is different and may result in Naverisk not working or corrupted data. If you are installing a new installation of Naverisk, please refer to the Site Controller Installation Guide. If you have a version prior to 2020 R3 please contact support to be updated.

If you are using SQL Server Express, you will need to carefully monitor database size to ensure it does not exceed the limitation of your version of SQL Server Express.


The Naverisk system is designed to be simple and easy to use. The process for upgrading Naverisk is also designed to be quick and simple, however, we recommend a few preliminary steps be taken when running an upgrade; these steps are described in this document.

When upgrading a local installation of Naverisk the administrator needs only uninstall the previous version of the Naverisk software and then run the installer for the latest version. It is best to have a copy of the new installers on the machine before proceeding with the uninstall process to minimize the amount of system downtime. The installer will automatically update the Web Interface, Database, and Agents of the system. All data will be retained where possible and any new packages will be pushed out automatically to all agents.

The Naverisk installation process is very robust, but certain parts of the system (namely the database and certain system configuration files) should be manually backed up in case there is a need to roll back to the previous installation. It is only necessary to back up the Site Controller machine. Agent machines do not need backing up. "Please Note you must backup the Naverisk configuration files (if customized) and restore them after the upgrade otherwise any customizations will be lost (overwritten)."

The current version of the Naverisk installer can be downloaded from:


Please be sure to always review the readme file included in the Naverisk Installer zip file before starting the installation process. The readme file includes version specific information critical to a successful upgrade.

1.0 Naverisk Installation Prerequisites

Minimum Requirements –

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016

  • 8 GB RAM

  • Microsoft SQL 2016 SP2

If you are running an earlier version, you will be required to upgrade your server before proceeding any further with the Naverisk installation.

We do recommend using SQL 2019 or later.

1.1 SQL Server Permissions

You will need to change the SQL Server permissions so that the installer can create the necessary databases.

1. Connect to the SQL Server using the SQL Server Management Studio. Select the SQL Server Object and right-click to bring up the Properties menu.

2. In the Server Properties, click Security, and enable SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode

3. Click OK to apply the change and then in the SQL Management Studio, expand Security and then Logins.

4. Right-click on NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and open the Properties page.

5. Next click on Server Role from the Select a Page panel on the left-hand-side, ensure that the dbcreator and sysadmin roles are ticked to allow the Database to be updated during the upgrade:

6. Click OK to save these changes.
7. A restart will be required to apply these changes, but this can be postponed.

1.2 SQL Compatibility mode

Naverisk only supports compatibility mode 2016 or higher. Please check that this is set to 2016 or higher as below.

Go to the following, SQL Manager -> expand the databases -> right-click Properties on the Naverisk database-> Options panel in the Database Properties pop-up.

2.0 Naverisk Backups

Naverisk backups are important, as they will enable us to restore the server to its current configuration should anything go wrong with the installation.

  1. Put Naverisk into Maintenance Mode:

    Login to the Naverisk website
    Navigate to Settings
    Then System Settings
    Turn Maintenance Mode on.

  2. Stop the Naverisk Services. They should be stopped in the following order:

    Naverisk Service Monitor service
    Naverisk Site Controller service
    Naverisk Agent service
    Naverisk Sync service (Optional)
    Naverisk BI Monitoring service
    Naverisk Reporting Service

  3. Disable any firewall rules that allow incoming connections to the Naverisk system on ports 8092 and 9202.

    If your server does not have Windows Firewall rules created for the incoming
    Naverisk Ports, then please create rules to specifically block inbound traffic
    across ports 8092 and 9202.

The firewall rules are important and will prevent Agents from trying to connect to the Naverisk system while it is being started after the upgrade. If this is done, the Naverisk system will take less time to start after the upgrade and prevent the chance of agent uninstallations should the upgrade fails.

2.1 Backing up the Naverisk Database

To back up the database you can use the SQL Server Management Studio tool.

1.Navigate to Databases and then to the Naverisk database.

2. Right-click and select Tasks and then Back Up... from the menu.

3. On the General tab, ensure that the Backup Type is Full and that you are comfortable with the backup location. The location can be changed by using the Remove button to delete the existing location and using the Add... button to designate a new location and file name.

4. Please select the Media Options tab within the Select a page panel and enable the Overwrite all existing backup sets option.

5. Please click OK on the bottom right and please be aware of the progress indicator in the bottom left. When the backup is complete you should receive a notification.

6. Perform a backup for the "ExagoReports" and "Quartz" (Optional) databases by following steps 2 to 5 for them both.


Note: If you have an alternative backup tool, it can be used instead. Whichever method is used, you should ensure that you can perform a successful restore from that backup.

2.2 Backup the Naverisk File System

You should back up the following files below to preserve any customization you may have made to your Naverisk that could be overwritten by the upgrade and to ensure that Naverisk Support can restore your server to its current configuration if required by a failed installation.

NOTE: Not all these files are to be restored after the upgrade.

It is recommended to create a separate folder for the backups that is date stamped. These will include the below-required files as well as the database backup. Having these backups in a centralized location will make it easier for Naverisk Support to assist you if you require some help.

Site Controller Files to Backup

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\NaveriskSiteController.exe.config

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\AgentDataFiles

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\ClientInformation (If applicable)

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\EmailTemplates

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\Mib (If applicable)

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\ScriptPack

Reporting Service Files to Backup

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\ReportingService\Naverisk.Reports.ReportingService.exe.config

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\ReportingService\Images

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\ReportingService\Reports

Naverisk Sync Service Files to Backup (If it has been installed)

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk Sync Service\Naverisk.Sync.Service.exe.config

Naverisk Website Files to Backup

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Website\web.config

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Website\Resources\Images

Naverisk Agent & NC Configuration files to Backup

  • %programdata%\Naverisk\Agent\NAS.cfg

  • %programdata%\Naverisk\Network Controller\NC.cfg

Naverisk BI Configuration files to Backup

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Naverisk BI\ExagoWeb\web.config

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Naverisk BI\ExagoWeb\Config\WebReports.xml

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Naverisk BI\ExagoWebAPI\web.config

Note: It is not required to back up the Naverisk XML Data or Historical Data while upgrading Naverisk. It is best practice to have a backup of these files in the event of a server failure, however.

The XML Data and Historical data can be found in:

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\XmlData

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\HistoricalDataStore

If you can take a Snapshot Backup of your Naverisk server, it is highly recommended that you do so. This will be the best form or rollback that you could have in case of a failed upgrade.

3.0 Naverisk Installation

3.1 Uninstall Naverisk

  1. Put Naverisk into Maintenance Mode:

    1. Login to the Naverisk website

    2. Navigate to Settings

    3. Then Systems Settings

    4. Turn Maintenance Mode on.

  2. Stop the Naverisk services. They should be stopped in the following order:​

    1. Naverisk Service Monitor service

    2. Naverisk Site Controller service

    3. Naverisk Agent service

    4. Naverisk Sync service (Optional)

    5. Naverisk BI Monitoring service

    6. Naverisk Reporting Service

  3. Open the Control Panel and navigate to Programs and Features

    1. Uninstall the Naverisk Site Controller

    2. Uninstall the Naverisk Website

    3. Uninstall the Naverisk BI

    4. Uninstall the Naverisk Sync Service (Optional)

      Alternatively, you can run the previous installer to perform an uninstall

  4. Restart the Server

    After uninstalling Naverisk, restart the server to flush any cached data. Once the server has come back online, please proceed with the installation.

3.2 Naverisk Site Controller and Website Installation

To install the new Naverisk system you must run new installers. After these have been run the Naverisk system will automatically start the appropriate services and begin updating Agents.

1. Execute the NaveriskBundleInstaller.exe from the installation pack:

2. Please ensure that the Naverisk Site Controller is ticked as this is mandatory.

Naverisk Sync Service is optional and is only required if you use the Naverisk e-automate integration.
Naverisk BI is our Business Intelligence Reporting engine and we recommend installation. ​
Please make your selection and click Install.

3. Please click Next to proceed with the Site Controller Installation

4. Read the License Agreement. Indicate acceptance by clicking the 'I Agree' option. (Acceptance is required to continue the installation. When ready, click Next.)

5. Choose the Location for the installation (if different from the default) and continue by clicking Next.

6. The installation is ready to proceed. Click Next.

7. During the installation you will find a second MSI icon will appear in your taskbar.

8. Select it and you will be presented with a SQL Server authentication prompt.

NOTE: Please exercise caution when entering the database authentication; database errors and failures during installation are most often caused by incorrect settings.

  • Choose your SQL server from the “Server name” drop-down box.

  • Choose your authentication method (and username and password where required)

7. Please click OK to proceed

8. The Naverisk Site Controller can take a while depending on the size of your Database, and the age of the Naverisk version you are upgrading from. Please do not be alarmed if the installer sits at this stage for a while, it is perfectly normal.

9. When completed you will be presented with the below installer window

NOTE: If you do not see the above window when performing an upgrade installation but rather a window asking you for details to be entered such as Company Name and SMTP settings etc... This will indicate a failed upgrade and a new blank database has been created. The most likely causes for this issue are incorrect SQL authentication or insufficient SQL permissions. Please jump to section 6.0 for the rollback procedure.

10. Click Finish and the installation should then automatically progress through the Naverisk Website installation:

3.3 e-automate Naverisk Sync Service Installation (optional)

1. If you have selected the Naverisk Sync Service to be installed, then you will be presented with this installation next to install.

2. A dialogue box requesting the SQL database details will appear. Please choose the correct Database server and login credentials as you did previously with the Naverisk Site Controller Installation and click OK to proceed.

3. Once the Sync Service has finished installing, the Naverisk Sync Service will start.

3.4 Naverisk BI (Business Intelligence Reporting) Installation (optional)

1. The Naverisk BI installation will just require a connection to the SQL Database again, to connect and install.

2. A dialogue box requesting the SQL database details will appear. Please choose the correct Database server and login credentials as you did previously for the Naverisk Site Controller Installation and click OK to proceed.

3. The Naverisk installation has been completed.

4. Click Close to exit the Installation Wizard.

4.0 Restore Customisations & Configuration Files

At this point, it is recommended to log into your Naverisk Website and confirm that the Naverisk Site Controller upgrade was successful.

NOTE: Due to significant changes in the website it is recommended that you clear Cached Images and Files from your browser cache.

You should be able to see your previous client lists and devices confirming that the installation was completed successfully, so we now need to restore your customizations;

Put Naverisk into Maintenance Mode:

  1. Login to the Naverisk website

  2. Navigate to Settings

  3. Then System Settings

  4. Turn Maintenance Mode on

Stop the Naverisk services. They should be stopped in the following order:

  1. Naverisk Service Monitor service

  2. Naverisk Site Controller service

  3. Naverisk Agent service

  4. Naverisk Sync service (Optional)

  5. Naverisk BI Monitoring service

  6. Naverisk Reporting Service

From the folders and files that were backed up under section 2.2, we will need to restore only the following files:

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\SiteController\NaveriskSiteController.exe.config

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\ReportingService\Naverisk.Reports.ReportingService.exe.config

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk Sync Service\Naverisk.Sync.Service.exe.config (If installed)

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Website\web.config

  • %programdata%\Naverisk\Agent\NAS.cfg

  • %programdata%\Naverisk\Network Controller\NC.cfg

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Naverisk BI\ExagoWeb\web.config

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Naverisk BI\ExagoWeb\Config\WebReports.xml

  • %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Naverisk BI\ExagoWebAPI\web.config

Additionally, if you have customized your Website and/or Report logos, you will need to restore those specific images contained in the below directories that were backed up:

  • Website Images are located in: %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\Website\Resources\Images\

  • Report Images are located in %programfiles(x86)%\Naverisk\ReportingService\Images

4.1 Restart the Naverisk Server

At this point, we need to reboot the Naverisk Server so that the changes we have made to the web.config files are picked up by the OS. The Naverisk services are most likely still offline from earlier in this guide, so it should just be a straight-forward reboot of the server.

5.0 Post Installation Clean Up

5.1 SQL Permissions

If you've changed the SQL Server permissions in Section 1.1, you'll need to revert them. Following the same procedure, for the NT Authority\System user, uncheck the dbcreator option, as it's no longer required.

(Expand Security->logins, open properties of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, select to server roles on the left-hand pane and revert the check boxes.)

5.2 Open the Firewall Ports

In Section 2.0 we changed the firewall rules to prevent the Agents from connecting on ports 8092 and 9202. We can now remove this block or otherwise reactivate the rules to allow for the agents to connect again.

  1. Log into the Naverisk Website and navigate to Settings and System Settings.

  2. Run a Port Check to ensure all required Ports are open, from SETTINGS > System Settings.

  3. Make sure Maintenance Mode is turned Off.

6.0 How to Restore in the Event of a Failed Upgrade

Note: This should only be done if the database has been corrupted, or you need to restore previously backed up data.

If you took a Snapshot of your Naverisk server, roll back to the working snapshot of your Naverisk instance. It will be the fastest and easiest way to get your Naverisk back online.

If you do not have a Snapshot image, please follow the below steps.

  1. Restore the SQL database. This must be done before reinstalling the system

  2. Reinstall the Naverisk system using the previous installers

  3. Stop the Naverisk Service Monitor and the Naverisk Site Controller services

  4. Restore the backed-up program files (as )

  5. Restart the services from step 3.

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