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ConnectWise Integration

Discover how to enable 2-way integration between ConnectWise and Naverisk via Web Services.

Updated over a week ago


The integration of ConnectWise with Naverisk is accomplished via Web Services. Both Naverisk and ConnectWise make Web Services available to enable two-way integration.

When a Ticket is created or uploaded in Naverisk, it is pushed to the Service Board of ConnectWise, so Tickets can be reviewed and replied to under the one Service Board. Details about Devices are also transferred from Naverisk to ConnectWise; this allows access to Device details in the Tickets that are created.

Important Note: in June 2019 ConnectWise have updated the API used by Naverisk for this integration. If you have an existing integration, you will need to generate an new public and private key as detailed below in section 1.3, and update the Naverisk integration settings, described in section 2.0.

1.0 How to set up ConnectWise

The following steps outline what needs to be configured within ConnectWise.

1.1 Setting up a Service Board

To which Tickets from Naverisk will be written:

  1. Open ConnectWise and select System

  2. In the Navigation Menu select Setup Tables > Service Board.

3. Select Integration. Create this Service Board if it is missing.

When creating the Integration board - also check the Teams tab. If there is not a ticked Default Team, create one.

Make sure it is Ticked as Default.

4. Check that the information for the Service Board Integration is correct. Sample is shown below.

Click on the Statuses tab, it should contain the 3 Service Statuses being used by Naverisk, if they don't exist, simply create each one.

Check that each Status has the correct setup.

For Unassigned Tickets:

Status Description: Unassigned

Escalation Status: We have NOT responded.

Sort Order: 0

Default: Ticked

Display tickets in this status on board: Ticked

For Assigned Tickets

Status Description: Assigned

Escalation Status: We have NOT responded.

Sort Order: 1

Default: Not ticked

Display tickets in this status on board: Ticked

For Closed Tickets

Status Description: Closed

Escalation Status: We have NOT responded.

Sort Order: 2

Default: Not ticked

Closed Status: Ticked

Display tickets in this status on board: Not ticked

1.2 Integrator Login

Go to System -> Setup Tables -> search for Integrator Login

*New Image 6*

Take a look at all the Users there - see if any have the following set - other wise create a new User with this setting:

Make sure All Records is selected

The Callback URL is <your naverisk url>/Handlers/ConnectWiseHandler.ashx?recid=

For example, the Callback URL for is:

The Service Board should match the one used/created in 1.1 step 3.

1.3 Obtain Public and Private Keys form ConnectWise

The public and private keys are used by the Naverisk integration to authenticate to your ConnectWise account. To obtain these keys, go to the Members screen which can by found by going to the System Module and opening the Members page.  After accessing the Members page, click on the API Members tab.  Here you can create a new user and generate API Keys for them.

API Members do not require a user license.

The Keys can be viewed on the API Keys tab. Record both keys - the private key can only be viewed when it is created. You will need these keys when configuring the Naverisk integration.

2.0 Naverisk Integration Setup

Currently, the PSA Integration Setup can be inherited from the Parent Client; however, all of the Child Client Devices will be created under just one Account in ConnectWise as specified in the PSA Integration Setup. For those wanting a different Account setup for each of its Child Clients in Naverisk, the user will need to start defining the PSA Integration Setup to the Child Client before setting the Parent Client, this will prevent the Child Clients Devices from being created into a wrong account in ConnectWise.  

Make sure to Archive all Closed Tickets before Synchronisation, Reopened Closed Tickets after Synchronisation will lead to an unsuccessful processing of Tickets to ConnectWise.

The following steps need to be done in Naverisk.

  1. Go to Settings > PSA Integration Setup.

  2. Select the Product as ConnectWise.

  3. Select the web service URL from the table below and enter the appropriate URL that is used to access ConnectWise.

  4. Enter the public and private keys generated in section 1.3 above.

     5. Enter the Company ID that matches the Company you use when logging in to               ConnectWise

Note: Ensure to update the Setup with the correct public and private keys once changed in ConnectWise.

6. Save
7. Click on the Details tab, if the keys are correct then the screen will be filled with            values in the drop down boxes.

Select the required Company Name and the Service Board you created in section 1.1

On the example shown, there are several Clients within Naverisk, and each of these Clients can be matched to a specific Company in ConnectWise. This setup is inherited by the child Client. As the example below shows, the ‘QA-ConnectWise NJ Client’ has several sub-Clients under it (QA-ConnectWise Int, Int1 and Int2), and each one is currently inheriting the setup defined on QA-ConnectWise NJ. Therefore, all the Tickets/Devices from all of these sub-Clients are going through just one Client on ConnectWise, which is the QA-ConnectWise NJ.

If the Tickets and Devices from the Sub-Clients (QA-ConnectWise Int, Int1 and Int2) need to be processed on specific Clients in ConnectWise, change the setup in Naverisk so it will no longer inherit the settings defined on the Parent Client (QA-ConnectWise NJ).

To do this on Naverisk Console, Select the sub-Client from the Client tree (sample: QA-ConnectWise-Int). Change the Product from ConnectWise (Inherited) to ConnectWise, then Click Save.

Now, Change the info set on the Details tab. Make sure you select the correct Company Name and the Service Board on the drop-downs, and then click on Save Details.

Once the Save Details have been executed, the Synchronise button will be enabled. It is important that all Closed Tickets on this Specific Client QA-ConnectWise-Int should be archived first before executing the Synchronisation to avoid Re-opened Tickets from being unprocessed, since only the Active Tickets will be synchronised at this stage.

*** This needs to be done for all sub-Clients if needed. ***

2.1 Device and Ticket Synchronisation Options with ConnectWise-Installed Products

There are three configuration options for Naverisk synchronisation.


When Checked, Naverisk will create and update the Device information in ConnectWise in order to be able to create Tickets for those devices.

In order to enable Asset/Configuration tracking in ConnectWise, the Devices (both managed and un-managed) will be populated from Naverisk.

This is done automatically, as below.

  • All Devices from Naverisk for all Clients are updated to ConnectWise once every day. 

  • Whenever a Service Ticket is created in Naverisk, the related Device for the Ticket is updated in ConnectWise.

In both cases, the Device is created if not already present in ConnectWise. If it is present, then the Devices attributes are updated.

This update can be triggered manually from Naverisk > Settings > PSA Integration Setup. When any of the Product/Configuration-related field values change in the Details screen, all Devices for the selected Client will be updated in ConnectWise. 

Currently, only the ComputerName, SerialNumber, IPAddress, OSType, LastUserNameLogin are taken from the Naverisk-Device table and populated to the ConnectWise-Configuration table. The other information will follow on the next phase.

When disabled Naverisk will not update the Device information in ConnectWise so that it matches. This allows ConnectWise to be the primary source of information for Devices. If Naverisk is not able to identify a device in ConnectWise it needs. It will create a new device for use with the Ticket.


When Checked Naverisk will attempt to find an existing ticket and re-open it in ConnectWise when it is re-opening a Naverisk ticket. This setting is used to keep Naverisk and ConnectWise in step.

When disabled Naverisk will not send a re-open Ticket command to ConnectWise. This is when partners do not want ConnectWise tickets to get re-opened.


ConnectWise is a ticketing Service Desk with its only Alerting System. With Naverisk-ConnectWise integration Naverisk will automatically disable its own ticket alerting, so that you are only receiving alerts from the one platform, ConnectWise.

When enabled Naverisk will continue to send email alerts based on its Alert Template configuration in addition to any alerts generated from the ConnectWise platform.

2.2 Ticket Processing 

Naverisk Tickets are populated as Service Tickets in ConnectWise when the PSA integration is set up as ConnectWise. If a Client is set up with ConnectWise integration, all of its Child Clients inherit the values from the Parent Client. So, if the MSP Client is set up with ConnectWise integration, all of the Child Clients of the MSP will automatically use the same integration settings, unless the Setup details for that particular Client are changed manually.

When a Ticket is raised in Naverisk, this will not appear immediately in ConnectWise. There is a background process which takes care of creating Service Tickets in ConnectWise for every valid Naverisk Ticket, so there will normally be a delay of a few minutes before Tickets are updated in ConnectWise.

3.0 Troubleshooting

Use the Integration Ticket Failure Report to identify any Tickets that are not passing over the Integration correctly.

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