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Autotask Integration

Learn how to integrate Autotask with your Naverisk instance.

Updated over 9 months ago

1.0 Prerequisites

Please make sure that the following prerequisites are checked before beginning the integration procedure. If any of these are incorrect it will likely lead to integration failure - please check carefully!

  • All accounts that can be mapped to Naverisk Clients are already present in Autotask.

  • All User defined fields must be defined.

  • Alerting in Naverisk is not required (Autotask will take over alerting duties).

1.1 Changes to an Onsite Installation

If you are an Onsite customer, Autotask has recently made some configuration changes to their API where you will need to apply registry changes and an update to resolve. If you are a Cloud customer, you do not need to do this.

  1. You will need to apply the following Windows update to your Naverisk server.
    i) KB3154518 - Reliability Rollup - Win 2008 R2 SP1
    ii) KB2154519 - Reliability Rollup - Windows Server 2012 RTM
    iii) KB3154520 - Reliability Rollup - Windows Server 2012 R2 RTM

  2. You will then need to make modifications to the registry.
    i) For 64-bit systems there are 2 keys need to be changed (If not there please         create
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001  )
    ii) For 32-bit systems there is one key need to be changed (If not there please          create:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727]       "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 )

Restart your machine after making these changes.

2.0 How to Set Up Autotask Integration

The following steps outline what needs to be configured within Autotask.

2.1 Create User Defined Fields in Configured Items

See Autotask, Admin > APPLICATION_WIDE (SHARED) FEATURES > User Defined Fields > Configuration Items.

NOTE: In some Autotask installations, 'Configuration Items' is changed to 'Assets'.

These User Defined Fields must exist to allow Naverisk to create Devices and Service Tickets in Autotask. They allow mapping between the Ticket and the Device (Product).

Create the following User Defined Fields for the Configuration Items, exactly as shown (NOTE: these are case sensitive):

2.2 Create User Defined Fields for Service Tickets

See Autotask, APPLICATION-WIDE (SHARED) FEATURES > User Defined Fields > Tickets.

Create the following User Defined Fields for Service Ticket exactly as shown (NOTE: these are case-sensitive):

See Autotask, Admin > Product and Services > Product Categories.

Make sure that there is at least one Product Category defined (outlined in red). There should be product categories setup by default that were populated by Autotask.

Product Categories are used to define the Devices that you monitor.

Naverisk will use these Product Categories to sync Device Details from Naverisk to Autotask.

The Tables below are for your information only (no setup is required here). They indicate how the fields in Naverisk relate to the fields shown in Autotask.

The following Table shows the mapping between Naverisk Devices and Autotask Products: 

NOTE: Naverisk Devices can be identified uniquely in Autotask using the Product SKU and the External Product ID.

The following Table shows the mapping between the fields of Naverisk Devices and Autotask Configuration Items:

NOTE: The Naverisk Device can only be uniquely identified in Autotask - Installed Product / Configuration Item using the Reference Number and Account Number.

The following Table shows the mapping between the fields of Naverisk Tickets and Autotask Service Tickets:

NOTE: The Naverisk Tickets can be uniquely identified in Autotask Service Tickets using the Naverisk Ticket UDF.

2.3 Round Trip Ticket Closure

Round Trip Ticket Closure allows Tickets marked as "Complete" in Autotask to be automatically closed in Naverisk.

To set this up in Autotask, navigate to Admin > APPLICATION-WIDE (SHARED) FEATURES > Extensions & Integrations > OTHER EXTENSION TOOLS > Extension Callout (Tickets).

  1. Create a New Extension Callout to call the Naverisk Web Service. Enter the name for the Extensions as "Close Service Ticket in Naverisk" and enter a URL consisting of the Naverisk website address, followed by "Controls/Plugins/Iris%20Settings/Overview.asmx".

    For example, if Naverisk is hosted at then the web service URL should be

  2. Ensure that the HTTP Transport Method is set to GET and the Data Format is set to GET. The Method Name is"CloseServiceTicket"; the GET Action is

  3. Set the 'Service Ticket User-Defined Field' field to 'Naverisk Ticket'. The 'Username' and 'Password' fields do not need to be set.

    NOTE: Please make sure that your Firewall is set so that the Naverisk Server is open to receive requests coming from the Autotask Server.

  4. Click Save and Close to save your changes.

2.4 Create an API User

Navigate to Admin → Resources (Users)  (via AT icon in top left corner of UI)
Right click on existing user and click “Copy Resource”
In “General” Tab, fill required details (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Email Type)

Go to “Security” tab, fill required details (Username, Password, Security Level)
Make sure “Security Level” is set to API User (system)

2.5 Set up Tracking Identifier

Under “API Tracking Identifier” section of the “Security” tab, choose correct Integration Vendor, Which is “Naverisk ltd - Naverisk RMM” 

2.6 Set up data access permission

After creating the API user, this user must be given permission to allow the user to edit data. Click on Protected Data Permission:

For the API user, make sure Edit Protected Data is ticked

2.7 Setup to be done in Naverisk

The following steps outline what changes need to be made in Naverisk to ensure that Tickets are updated correctly between Autotask and Naverisk.

  1. Go to Settings > Integration Settings > Autotask

  2. The Web Service URL uses the format, where # corresponds to the numbered server currently allocated to your Autotask account. You can confirm this by checking the address of the server in your browser as follows:

The below chart lists the common Web Service URLs for possible Autotask Servers for your reference:

3. Enter the username and password for the API user created in step 2.4

4. Click on Details and fill out the required information populated in the drop-downs.

NOTE: If the login validation is incorrect, these drop-downs will be empty. The Naverisk server also needs to be able to open a connection to the Autotask server. To check that this works, browse to Autotask in a web browser on your Naverisk Server.

5. Select all the required values and save the details. Make sure ALL fields are populated; leaving any fields unset will lead to integration failure. For this reason, disregard the ‘mandatory’ indications in the user interface. Make sure that all closed tickets are already Archived – Reopening Closed Tickets after the Synchronisation will lead to unsuccessful processing of reopened tickets to Autotask. 

6. Click on the ‘Save Details’ button to save the information. Do not click on the Synchronise button yet if there is a need for the sub-clients to be matched to a specific Account in Autotask. It is recommended to configure each sub-client first before executing the synchronisation to avoid the Devices from integrating to an incorrect account in Autotask. To do this, go to sub-client on the Setup tab - by default it shows Autotask (Inherited), select ‘Autotask’ from the Product drop-down, this will automatically populate all the information based on the Parent’s Autotask Configuration. Click on ‘Details’ tab, update the ‘Account’ field click ‘Save Details’ and ‘Synchronise’. Note that this should be done for all its sub-clients before executing the synchronisation on the parent client. 

7. On site partners can have the Ticket include the device name in the title in Autotask. This is done using the Site Controller configuration file and setting the Ticket Description Include Device key to 1.
<add key="TicketDescriptionIncludeDevice" value="0" />

This controls the Ticket Description if it will include the Device Name or not. 0=Default (this will exclude the Device Name on the Ticket Description); 1= (This will include the Device Name on the Ticket Description).

2.8 Device Synchronisation with Autotask Installed Products

To enable Asset tracking Autotask, the Devices (both managed and unmanaged) will be populated from Naverisk.

This is done automatically, as below:

  1. All Devices from Naverisk for all clients are updated to Autotask once every day.

  2. Whenever a Service Ticket is created in Naverisk, the related Device for the Ticket is updated in Autotask.

In both cases, the Device is created if not already present in Autotask. If it is present, then the Device’s attributes are updated. This update can be triggered manually from Naverisk > Settings > PSA Integration Setup. When any of the Product-related field values change in the Details screen, all Devices for the selected Client will be updated in Autotask.

When the Update Product check box is selected, Naverisk will update the Product related fields in Autotask. If the checkbox is not selected Naverisk will not update these items in Autotask. 

Product related fields are Account, Product Category, and Product Allocation Code. On the newer version of Autotask, the Product Allocation Code has been renamed to Material Cost. 

2.9 Ticket Processing

Naverisk Tickets are populated as Service Tickets in Autotask when the PSA integration is set up as “Autotask”. If a Client is set up with Autotask integration, every Child Client inherits the values from the Parent Client. So, if the MSP client is set up with Autotask integration, every Child Client of the MSP will automatically use the same integration settings, unless the setup details for that Client are changed manually. 

When a Ticket is raised in Naverisk, this will not appear immediately in Autotask. There is a background process which takes care of creating Service Tickets in Autotask for every valid Naverisk Ticket, so there will normally be a delay of a few minutes before Tickets are updated in Autotask. 

Tickets updated in Naverisk will be updated in Autotask (allow a couple of minutes for processing). Tickets updated in Autotask will not automatically update their corresponding tickets in Naverisk. However, Tickets closed in Autotask will automatically close their corresponding Tickets in Naverisk. 

When the checkbox “Reopen Ticket in Autotask if reopening Ticket in Naverisk:” is selected, Naverisk will send a Ticket re-open request to Autotask. When re-open Ticket is not selected Naverisk will not re-open the Autotask Ticket. 

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