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e-automate Integration

Learn how to configure and use the Naverisk - e-automate integration

Updated over a week ago


The Naverisk – e-automate integration allows you to monitor and manage your client’s devices, and deliver IT services via Naverisk, whilst managing service calls and billing workflows in e-automate.

Tickets, either generated from monitoring alerts, or created manually, are automatically synchronised to e-automate, where they are subsequently managed and billed. Updates to the service call in e-automate are synchronised back to the Naverisk ticket. Technicians can use the remote management capabilities of Naverisk to investigate and resolve issues. They can record notes about their work in the Naverisk ticket, which will be synchronised to the e-automate service call. When a ticket or service call is closed, this status is synchronised to the other platform.

Note that the integration is designed on the basis that e-automate will be the primary platform for ticket management, and for all billing, whilst Naverisk is used to generate tickets from monitoring alerts and to facilitate investigation and resolution of issues affecting managed devices.

1.0 How to set up e-automate

The integration of e-automate with Naverisk is accomplished via Web Services. Both Naverisk and e-automate have made Web Services available to enable two-way integration.

When a Ticket is created or updated in Naverisk, it is pushed as a Service Call within e-automate, so Tickets can be reviewed and replied to from the e-automate application. The Naverisk integration with e-automate is enabled through the ECi Services Network (ESN) connector. Customers will need to install the ESN Client which is available as a licensed add-on to e-automate; ESN Client is also included with a PIP license. If a customer does not have either PIP or ESN installed, they should reach to their account manager at

Once the ESN Client is installed, our implementation team can assist in setting up your ESN Dealer Account and enabling your Naverisk ESN Connector. The following guidelines will provide direction on how to enable your Naverisk and e-automate systems to support the integration.

1.1 Enabling your Naverisk ESN connector

If you already have an existing ESN dealer account:

You will need to submit a ticket to e-automate customer care in order to enable your account for the Naverisk ESN connector. This ticket can be submitted to 

The following information should be included with your ticket submission:

  • Provide your dealer name and your contact information

  • Request that your ESN dealer account be authorized for the Naverisk ESN connector. 

  • Request ESN dealer account ID if you do not already have that information

  • Verify that you are running the ESN client build 844 or greater. If your ESN client is not greater the build 844 request an updated client installer with your ticket.

If you do not have an existing ESN dealer account, but do have ESN or PIP installed

You will need to submit a ticket to e-automate customer care in order to enable your account for the Naverisk ESN connector. This ticket can be submitted to

The following information should be included with your ticket submission:

  • Provide your dealer name and your contact information

  • Request the latest ESN client Installer (build 844 or greater)

  • Request that your ESN dealer qccount be authorized for the Naverisk ESN connector

  • Request ESN dealer account ID if you do not already have that information.

If you do not have either PIP or ESN:
Please contact your account manager at

1.2 Creating a user in e-automate

You will want to setup a dedicated e-automate user account for use with the Naverisk ESN connector. We would recommend creating a user with a user name of Naverisk. You will need to provide the user name and password associated with this to setup the connection within Naverisk.

To setup a user in e-automate please follow these steps:

1.2.1 Create a User ID in e-admin

  1. Log into e-admin

  2. Select database and right click to bring up the menu options

3. Click 'Edit Security'
4. Click 'Add' to create a new user for Naverisk

5. Enter in the desired user credentials

It is recommended that you disable the ‘Require Password Change at next logon’ and ‘Require password change after the following number of days’ options as Naverisk will be unable to change the password.

Please note that if you do reset or change the password in e-admin, that the password will need to be updated within the Naverisk UI also.

6. Click the ‘Permissions’ tab

The user in e-automate will need to be configured with the following rights in order to enable all functions of the Naverisk ESN connector.

On the 'Positions' tab, select 'Employee', and 'Technician' and make sure ‘Salary’ and ‘Full time’ are deselected. This is a must if you do not do this step integration will not work.

7. Please scroll down the alphabetical list and assign the access rights required, as per the below table

8. Once completed, click 'OK' and 'Close'

1.2.1 Create a e-automate user

  1. Log into e-automate

  2. From the menu bar navigate to People > Employees/Contractors

  3. In the pop up window click New

4. Enter the Name details for the Naverisk account

5. From the 'Login user ID' drop down box, select the e-admin user ID intended for Naverisk that was created previously in e-admin.

6. On the 'Positions' tab, select 'Employee', and 'Technician'. This is a must if you do not do this step integration will not work.

7. Once completed click 'OK'

1.3 Configuring Client Sync

Customers configured in e-automate can be synced to Naverisk. This requires a custom property to be added to each customer that you wish to sync.

  1. Enable a custom property in e-automate

Go to Tools > Options

Tick Enable Custom Properties

2. Add the new attribute

Go to Tools > Lists and Codes

Select Attributes from the Select a list or code type drop down menu

Select New and enter the values as shown below:

3. Configure custom properties

Go to Tools > Lists and Codes, and select Configurations (custom properties) from the Select a list or code type drop down menu.

Select New

Enter "Naverisk" as the name, group should be Customer Properties. Select Naverisk from the available attributes drop down menu. Click Quick Add then OK.

4. Add the new custom property to the customer

Select Customers from the tool bar and edit a customer

Go to the Custom Properties tab and click on the search icon. Select the Naverisk configuration item.

Add "ToNaverisk" as the value for the custom property.

Note that the configuration item must be named exactly "Naverisk" and the value "ToNaverisk" for the sync to work correctly.

2.0 Naverisk Integration Setup

The PSA Integration Setup can be inherited from the parent client; however, service calls for all of child client tickets will be created under just one account in e-automate, as configuredin the PSA Integration Setup. If you require an individual account configured for each of child clients in Naverisk, you first need to define the PSA integration setup for each child client before setting the parent client. This will prevent child clients service calls from being created into the wrong account in e-automate.  

Make sure to archive all closed tickets before synchronisation, Reopened closed tickets after synchronisation will lead to an unsuccessful processing of tickets to e-automate.

The following steps need to be performed in Naverisk.

  1. Go to Settings > e-automate

  2. Select the appropriate client and click on 'Create Integration Settings'.

  3. If prompted by a 'Change Integration System' window, click 'OK'.

  4. Enter the ESN Service URL and the client specific ESN Dealer ID as provided by e-automate.

  5. Provide a valid user name and password for the e-automate login. The username and password are the credentials that are used to login to e-automate. It is recommended that you create a new ESN user account for Naverisk and ensure that the ESN Naverisk user is linked to an e-automate Employees/Contractors record. 

Note: Ensure to update the setup with the correct user password once it is changed in e-automate.

6. Click on the Details tab. If the login validation is correct then the screen will start to display the configurable values. This may take a few moments for Naverisk to finish populating the available fields from e-automate.

Customer: Ticket synchronisation is mapped on a customer account basis. Each client under Naverisk should be matched to the corresponding customer in e-automate. If there are several clients under Naverisk, configure each one so that the Tickets for the client will go to the correct customer in e-automate. 

Contact: For the customer selected you can specify the primary contact with that customer for e-automate service call inquiries.

Call Type: This will allow you to specify the default call type for all calls submitted from Naverisk. We recommend you create a specific call type for these types of calls to allow for quicker identification and filtering within e-automate.

Status: Defines the default status all Naverisk Tickets will default to within the e-automate Service Call.

Technician: Allows you to identify the default technician to be assigned to the calls submitted from Naverisk. These settings are client specific so you can use the default technician for each customer if you have those designated in your e-automate system.

Queue: The e-automate "queue" technician you want Naverisk to assign by default when creating a service call for this customer

Resolution: Will be the e-automate resolution code used when a ticket is has been closed within Naverisk, either manually or by auto-closure and results in the e-automate ticket being updated appropriately with the new status of the Naverisk ticket.

SLA Tickets Priority: This correlates to the default priority for tickets submitted from Naverisk and may be related to any SLAs that you may have in place with the customer.

Ticket Status: Maps the e-automate call status that will be mapped to the Naverisk ticket statuses Assigned, Unassigned and Closed. Note that the Assigned and Unassigned statuses must not be mapped to the same e-automate status.

Enable Ticket Notifications in Naverisk: Is an optional flag that will permit Naverisk to continue to send alerts out via the Naverisk alert templates as normal, in conjunction to any alerts generated by the e-automate Service Calls. If this is left unchecked, then Naverisk will no longer send alerts, and all alert handling will be performed by the e-automate system.

2.1 Ticket Processing

Naverisk Tickets are populated as Service Calls in e-automate once the integration has been completed. If a client is set up with e-automate integration, all of its child clients inherit the values from the Parent Client. So, if the MSP client is set up with e-automate integration, all of the child clients of the MSP will automatically use the same integration settings, unless the Setup details for that particular client are configured manually.

When a Ticket is raised in Naverisk, this will not appear immediately in e-automate. There is a background process which takes care of creating service calls in e-automate for every valid Naverisk Ticket, so there will normally be a delay of a few minutes before Tickets are updated in e-automate.

3.0 e-automate Ticket Status Synchronisation

You have the ability to synchronise the Ticket status updates between e-automate and Naverisk.

Synchronisation of service call changes between the two systems occurs as follow: 

  • When the Ticket status is updated in Naverisk, then the status in e-automate is compared with the change and if the status in Naverisk is more recent then the Service Call status is updated in e-automate

  • When the Service Call status is updated in e-automate, then the status in Naverisk is compared with the change and if the status in e-automate is more recent then the Ticket status is updated in Naverisk.

NB: The updates from the e-automate to Naverisk will be visible within a few minutes, the updates from the Naverisk to e-automate will be visible sooner.

3.0 Use Case examples

The following use cases describe common scenarios and how the workflow would operate between Naverisk and e-automate.

3.1 Creating service calls from monitoring alerts

Naverisk is configured to monitor performance, logs and key resources on a client’s devices, and an alert profile is applied to generate tickets should any performance thresholds be exceeded, log entries detected etc. Once created, then Naverisk ticket is automatically synchronised to e-automate as a service call, where it is assigned to the configured default technician.

In e-automate, the default technician carries out any required triage and classification, then assigns the ticket as necessary. The assigned technician will work the service call as usual, adding notes as necessary and recording time spend and/or materials used.

The technician may need to use Naverisk to further investigate the issue, perhaps retrieving logs, restarting a service or making a remote control connection to the device. Whilst working on the device from Naverisk, the technician can record any work notes against the Naverisk ticket. These notes will be synchronised to the e-automate service call. Likewise, and notes made in e-automate will also appear in Naverisk. Note: Time and expenses are not synchronised to e-automate, although any text recorded in a time or an expense will not be transferred. Time and expenses for a ticket should be recorded directly in e-automate.

Once the issue is resolved, the technician will record any final notes such as a resolution, then close the service call. While this can be done either in Naverisk or in e-automate, we recommend using e-automate so any time or expense entries can be made for billing. Once closed, this status will synchronise across to Naverisk, or vice-versa.

3.2 Creating tickets directly in Naverisk in response to client support request

In addition to tickets automatically created from Naverisk alert profiles, it is also possible for a technician to manually create a ticket in Naverisk, which will then sync to e-automate. An example of this is where a client calls to request assistance with a device. The technician may quickly log a ticket in Naverisk before establishing a remote control session on the device. While they work, they may elect to add notes to the Naverisk ticket about their work and findings.

Following the support call, the technician would assign themselves the service call in e-automate, and add any billable time or expenses. Any notes they added in Naverisk would be available in the e-automate service call for their reference.


When working with the integration, it should be noted that technician assignments are not synchronised between Naverisk and e-automate, and indeed it is not necessary for technicians to have accounts on both platforms. Technician are assigned to tickets or service calls independently on both platforms, although a default e-Automate technician must be configured in Naverisk for new service calls to be assigned to.

While it is possible to create a ticket, add notes etc and subsequently close it entirely within Naverisk, and have this synchronise to e-automate, we recommend that you use e-Automate as the primary ticket management platform, particularly if billing information such as chargeable time or expenses are required to be captured.

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