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Ticket Management

Utilise, manage and report on Tickets in Naverisk.

Updated over 6 months ago


This document is intended to demonstrate to a user how to utilise and manage their Tickets in Naverisk. It will cover how to setup:

  • Ticket Attributes

  • Filtered Views

  • Report on Ticket information

  • Dashboards

  • General tips and tricks.

1.0 Setting up Ticket Attributes

There are five key areas to setup before you start managing your Tickets. Please note that this does not include areas related to billing. These areas are found under
Settings > Service Desk Settings.

Under each of these attributes, you will see a button in the top right for creating a new attribute, copying attributes to your sub-clients, cloning attributes to make a duplicate and making that attribute mandatory to be set on Ticket creation.

Below is a brief explanation on the common uses or each attribute.

1.1 Ticket Sources

This attribute is to help you identify where the Ticket came from. Common examples of this are Email, Phone Call, and Verbal.

1.2 Ticket Priorities

This attribute will help you identify the urgency of the Ticket, so you can prioritise with your SLA's. Common examples of this are Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

1.3 Ticket Job Types

This attribute will be to identify what the Ticket is related to at a broader level. Common examples for this are Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 (if you have a segmented helpdesk based on technician experience), Change Request, and Remote Support.

1.4 Ticket Categories

This attribute will be to identify what the Ticket is related to at a more specific level. This is usually used as a sub-category of the Ticket Job Types attribute. Common examples of this are Antivirus, Backups, Exchange, Internet, Password Reset, SNMP, and Training. Depending on configuration, multiple categories can be selected in a ticket.

1.5 Job Status

This attribute will be to identify what state the Ticket is in terms of technician activity. Common examples of this are in Progress, On Hold, Awaiting Client, Awaiting Third Party Vendor, and Completed.

2.0 Managing Tickets

The Service Desk tab in Naverisk will show all of the Tickets generated in Naverisk

To create a new Ticket, you can either click on the New Ticket button on the far right of the screen, or in the navigate bar next to the search icon.

Clicking on the Edit button will bring up the full view of the Ticket.

The ticket view is separated into a number of panels, where you can view and edit ticket information, summary, devices, client details, view ticket activity and history, and add notes or send email replies.

2.1 Information Panel

The information panel shows the Client and Contact details along with the ticket attributes described in section 1.0. Fields with the + symbol are mandatory.

Additional fields in the information panel are:

The Client and Contact fields will be auto populated if the ticket is created from Device monitoring (and if a person is associated with a Device) or from a user submitted Ticket.

Assigned User is used to select the technician who will work on the ticket. They will receive email notifications about updates to the ticket status, and will be shown as the assigned technician in the ticket grid view.

This field is initially blank. Once a technician is assigned, the ticket status field will be updated to Assigned.

Secondary Users allows additional technicians to be linked to the ticket. They will show in the grid view and can be filtered accordingly. Secondary Users can update or edit the ticket, but do not receive notifications.

Ticket Status is set according to the current ticket status - Unassigned, Assigned, Closed and Archived. This field is linked to Assigned User so changes in one will update the other as appropriate. For example, setting the Ticket Status to Unassigned will clear the Assigned User field.

Due Date/Time. This field allows a due date and time to be set for the ticket. This date is available in the grid view so tickets can be sorted according to the due date.

The Project field allows you to add the ticket to an existing project.

The Categories field allows you to select multiple categories - this allows you to simplify your category structure. For example, instead of having categories for Server-Hardware, Server-OS and Server-Application, you can create a Server category along with categories for Hardware, OS and Application. You can then tag the ticket with, say, Server and Hardware.

2.2 Schedule Panel

The Schedule panel can be used for scheduling a recurring ticket. This can be useful if you want to have tickets occur at set times to remind your technicians to do certain tasks e.g. check backups. Tickets can be scheduled one-time, daily, weekly or monthly. In addition to the starting date, you can also specify a date after which no further recurrences will occur. An iCal appointment can also be emailed automatically to the assigned user.

2.3 Summary Panel

The Summary panel gives the basic details of the ticket. At the top are details of when the ticket was created and updated, along with the Priority and SLA Status fields.

The Trigger is the description of the ticket, and is populated either from a device monitoring alert in which case it is the event that triggered the alert, or if the ticket is created from an incoming email it is the subject of the email. The Description field gives additional details on what the ticket is about, either from the monitoring alert, or is the body of the incoming email.

If required, both the Trigger and Description may be edited. This is especially useful for tickets created by emails, as these can sometimes lack detail or have unrelated information.

2.4 Activity Panel

The Activity Panel shows the full history of the ticket, including incoming emails, replies and notes. All changes to ticket attributes are also recorded in this panel. Each entry contains details of who created the entry, the time and details. Emails, both incoming and replies, will be shown with their formatting, including inline images and attachments.

If required, you can control which types of entries are shown in the Activity Panel. Clicking on the Filter link at the top left will display a menu where you can enable or disable entry types

From the Activity Panel, you can also compose and send Public Replies (emails) and notes.

Public Replies

Clicking Public Reply opens the email editor. By default the email is sent to the ticket contact person. Additional recipients can be added by clicking on the + icon on the right. You can also type email addresses directly into the address field. The editor supports formatted (HTML) email including fonts, colour, tables and hyperlinks.

The Canned Text button allows pre-defined email text to be inserted. The History button inserts ticket history entries. The Files button is used to attach documents or files to the email, or to insert images inline into the email text.


Clicking on the Note button will open the note editor. You can select the type of note from the Note menu

Private Note

Private Notes allow you to record information relating to the ticket, or to communicate with other technicians. Notes can contain formatting including attachments and inline images. Private Notes can only be viewed by users assigned to groups with "Access Private Notes" permission.

TOs and CCs recipients will be recorded as Tickets Attributes and saved/overwritten every time an email is sent or received.

Public Notes have the same capabilities as Private Notes, however can be viewed by all users.

You can mention other technicians in a note by typing the @ symbol, and choosing the technician from the list displayed. The technician will then receive an alert notification.

Time Note

Time Notes allow you to record time spent working on a ticket. You can select the Client Agreement, technician and enter the time details. Time notes are public and visible to all users. You can optionally send a copy of the Time Note to the ticket contact by selecting Send Copy to.

Further details on working with Time and Expense notes are covered in the Billing Workflow Guide.
​Expense Note

Expense notes allow you to record chargable expenses such as travel or materials. You can select the agreement, expense type and technician as well as recording the quantity and amount of the expense. You can use the Files option to attach invoices or receipts to the Expense Note.

2.5 Documents Panel

The Documents panel allows you to search the documents library, including KB articles and Canned Replies. By default, the ticket trigger is used as the search text, however this can be edited as required. The search can be made across all documents, or restricted to client-specific documents.

A list of documents matching the search is displayed, clicking on the required document will display it.

2.6 Device Panel

The Device panel will display information about the device that is associated with the ticket if applicable. This will always be the case for device monitoring tickets, or if you assign a device in the panel. You can go to the Device View to view the full device details, or pin it to the toolbar to access later. You can also perform tasks directly against the device from this view, such as Log off Users, Restart the device and Run Script Packs. You can also start Remote Control or view the Task Manager.

2.7 Contact Panel

The Contact Panel gives details about the Client and Contact persons related to the ticket. This provides a useful reference for phone numbers and email addresses.

When you have finished updating all the required attributes for a Ticket, make sure you click one of the Save buttons before closing the Ticket.

2.8 Export Options

Clicking on the ... icon opens the export menu. From here you can export the ticket including details ad history to an RTF, Excel or PDF document. You can also export a sign-off document, which contains the ticket details and history in PDF format, along with a provision for a Manager's signature to be recorded.

2.9 Saving and Exiting

To exit the ticket view, click the Exit Ticket icon. If the ticket has been modified, this will change to Save & Exit Ticket. You can open the menu to select other options such as Save Ticket (saving changes but remaining in the ticket view) or Save & Close.

3.0 Ticket Views

Naverisk Ticket Views allow you to easily filter your Tickets to find exactly what you want.

Under the Tickets tab, you can sort between Unassigned, Assigned, Open Tickets etc. by clicking the drop down located on the left:

You can also begin creating Custom Views to show specific Tickets matching a criteria. To do this, click on the Edit Views button.

You will then see a list of options that can be selected to filter your Tickets. What appears here is dependent on your chosen Columns.

As an example, a view can be created to show Tickets for Servers where the SLA status is not Green.

Clicking on Apply View will then filter the Tickets.

If this is a view that is needed to be viewed more frequently, the View can then be saved by clicking Save View.

You can then come back to the Tickets view and Quickly apply these settings by clicking the Select a View drop-down.

4.0 Tips & Tricks

4.1 Run Script Packs

This action will allow you to run a script pack against Devices that are associated with Tickets. For example, if a workstation generated a Ticket that it was running out of disk space, you could execute a Disk Clean-up Script Pack directly from the Ticket.

4.2 Creating a Scheduling Job

As well as Running Script Packs above, you can create a quickly create a scheduled job for a Device relating to a Ticket. This could be useful if the Ticket raised is an issue that cannot be resolved immediately but can have a Script Pack run against it or needs to be restarted at a later time.

4.3 Copying Scheduled Jobs

Once created, a scheduled job may be copied to any number of sub clients. From the Scheduling tab, clicking the Copy Scheduled Job button will open the Copy Job window. Select one or more jobs to copy in the left hand pane, and select the clients that you wish to copy the jobs to on the right.

By default, scheduled jobs copied to sub-clients will be disabled. You can optioally choose to enable scheduled jobs if all job criteria exist on the sub client (eg device filters, action -> script pack etc).

4.4 Removing Unnecessary Columns

If there are columns that are unnecessary for you when viewing Tickets, you can easily hide them by clicking on the Selecting Columns drop-down underneath the Tickets grid and selecting the Column you do not want to see

If later you decide you need that column, just click the drop-down again and find the column that has the asterisk (*) next to it and click it again.

4.5 Adding a Ticket to a Project

If you would like to easily add your ticket to a project you have two ways in doing so. Either from the Project filed in the Edit Ticket view.

Or you can add it to a project when you are working on the ticket by clicking on the Project button and selecting the project from the drop-down.

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