This document is designed to guide you through the process of freeing up your technicians to concentrate on essential priorities by automating routine service tasks through scheduling or an Automation Rule.
1.0 How to Setup a Scheduled Job
To create, edit, and view Scheduled Jobs, go to Scheduling icon.
Alternatively, you can setup a Scheduled Job from a Device page > Select a Task > Create Scheduled Job
Scheduled jobs can be viewed by:
Month View
Week View
Day View
Job List
1.1 New Scheduled Job
From the top right-hand corner of the Scheduling screen, select 'New Scheduled Job'
Name your Scheduled Job, and enter descriptive text if you wish - Please note that new jobs are disabled by default, and will need to be enabled and saved before they will run
1.1.1 Scheduling Options
On Event
A job can be triggered when a Device Starts Up, when a User Logs On, or when a Device first makes contact with Naverisk via a selection below - Please note that jobs will run relative to a client's time zone
Scheduled Timing
Alternatively, schedule a job to run as per these timed options
Run a job once at a preset date and time
Set a daily routine to recur on your chosen Day/s with Start and End Dates and Times
Similarly, set a Weekly schedule here
Or set Monthly options for less frequently required scheduled jobs
on a Specific Day Number, Specific Weekday, Last or First Day on the Month
1.1.2 Device Filtering
Set a Device Filter to target specific devices against which to run the job
Filter based on Device Attributes
You can target devices based on a comprehensive set of predefined attributes
Device Type
Device Class
Business System
Lifecycle State
Filter based on Specific Devices
Alternatively, you can target either single or multiple devices via the 'Select Specific Devices' radio button
1.2 Actions
From the Actions tab, you can choose what the Scheduled Job will do when it finds a device matching the criteria selected.
1.2.1 Pre Action
Choose from these options to perform certain actions before a job runs.
When Device is Off-Line
Do Nothing
Queue job while Device is Off-Line (Job will then run when the device comes back On-Line) β limited to a maximum of 2 scheduled jobs per device
Wake Device using Wake On Lan (this option requires Wake On Lan to be configured and running on the Device)
Maintenance Mode
No Change
Device Maintenance *
Client Maintenance *
* Choosing either of the Maintenance options will suppress tickets from being created before the job is run
1.2.2 Execute Script Pack
This option will enable the system to run a chosen Script Pack.
1.2.3 Maintenance Mode
Naverisk can automatically place the device into a suspended state where it will no longer generate tickets based on the options used:
Maintenance Mode (Full - All tickets are suppressed)
Maintenance Mode Performance (Only tickets with SLA Class = Performance are suppressed)
1.2.4 Run Report
When used with Email Integration, this can generate a report and email it to a preassigned email address.
Report: Select from any of your reports
Report View: You can use a Saved View within the specific report (which is manually created under that Report)
Report Period: Choose from Last Day, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last Calendar Month
Recipient Email(s): Enter an email recipient address here, or multiples separated by a comma
Report Format: Choose an output format from PDF, HTML, RTF, CSV or Excel (xlsx)
Select 'All Clients' if you wish the report to be run against all Clients
1.2.5 Install OS Patches
Operating System patches can be Scheduled, with an optional selection of Patch Age in Days, plus single or multiple Category Authorisations.
1.2.6 Restart Devices
Restart selected devices with the following options:
Do Nothing
Restart if the Operating System requires a reboot to complete patches
1.2.7 Package Scan
This will enable the system to perform a Software, Operating System, Hardware or Patch Management scan. Get up to the minute information from your Devices when you want it, automatically.
1.2.8 Install Software Updates
Install Software Updates - Please note the prerequisites below:
1.2.9 Upgrade Agent
Schedule an action to upgrade an Agent on any device.
1.2.10 Send Message
This will generate a pop-up box on the selected Device containing the assigned message.
1.2.11 Post Action
Choose from these options to perform certain actions after a job runs.
Set a wait delay, specified in minutes before the Post Actions run. If the wait interval is left at 0 minutes, then the action will be performed immediately.
The Reboot Device options are:
Do Nothing
Restart if the Operating System Requires a reboot to complete patches
The Maintenance Mode options are:
No Change
Device Maintenance *
Client Maintenance *
* Choose either of the maintenance options to prevent ticket creation once the job is completed or disable maintenance mode after the scheduled job runs (opposite to the pre-action) to re enable ticket creation.
2.0 Dispatch Jobs
The Dispatch tab of the Scheduling page allows you to create one-off or recurring Tickets in the future, or view and / or edit any current scheduled tickets
2.1 Create a Dispatch Ticket
Select 'New Ticket' and assign either to Self or Selected Technician
Use the Schedule Tab icon to complete your required Schedule Option from:
Not Scheduled