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Gain key insights by creating and managing Reports in Naverisk.

Updated over 4 months ago


The purpose of this document is to provide instructions on how to create and generate Reports in Naverisk. Reports can give you an overview of the status of your Devices, information about your Tickets, Engineers performance, Scheduled Jobs that have occurred and any information that you need to provide your Clients.

1.0 Accessing Naverisk Reports

To generate Reports in Naverisk, click on the Reports section of Naverisk

Under reports you can access tabs for the different Report categories.

  1. Client Facing - Simple Device Reports, suitable for non-technical end users

  2. Service Desk - Reports which provide statistics on Engineers performance

  3. Device - Detailed Device Reports, suitable for Technical users

  4. Billing - Useful Reports for Invoicing and Time Tracking of work done by Engineers

  5. Settings/Audit - Reports Summarising Naverisk configurations applied across your Clients

  6. Custom - A feature allowing you to combine various Reports for tailored Report delivery

  7. Business Intelligence - Create custom dashboards an reports ranging from simple drag-and-drop Express Reports through to detailed advancing reporting

Additionally, it is possible to provide your End User access to the Naverisk system to produce their own reports, and restrict their access to specific reporting sub-tabs.
e.g. you can provide them with access to only "Client Facing" and "Device" reports.

More information around this can be found in our Clients, Users and Groups document found in the Naverisk Resource Centre.

2.0 Business Intelligence

The Business Intelligence platform gives you access to most of the data held in Naverisk, allowing you to create in-depth reports and dashboards.

Selecting Business Intelligence open the BI home page, where you can access saved reports and dashboards from the folder list on the left.

The + icon allow you to create a new drag and drop Express View or Express Report, an advanced or Cross-tab Report, and is to create Dashboards and Chained Reports.

Naverisk BI features a comprehensive built in help guide. To access the guide, click on the ? icon in the top right of the Business Intelligence screen. The guide is context-aware, and will display the article that is appropriate for what you are doing.

3.0 Generating a Report

To generate a Report:

  1. Click on the Report you wish to generate

2. On the next screen, select the Client you wish to run the Report for, the Start and End date, and the Report Output format. You can also choose to filter by specific Device if you want to.

3. Click on Generate Report, your Report should then either open or download in your selected format.

Report generation time may very depending on the time range covered, the number of clients, devices an advanced agents included in the report.

4.0 Types of Naverisk Reports

Naverisk offers a wide range of reports covering many aspects of the monitored systems and Naverisk usage. These reports are broken down into 5 categories; Client Facing, Service Desk, Device, Billing and Settings/Audit.

4.1 Client Facing

Client Facing reports are generally in a more graphical and pictorial format than the other reports. Most of the information contained withing these reports can be found in more detail under similar reports found in the other reporting categories.

The Client Health Summary Report is a great snapshot view of your monitored devices for that day at that time of the report generation.

Another report of note in this category in this Executive Summary Report which is quite popular to schedule as a monthly report for delivery to the End user.

Please note that the Executive Summary Report is quite an in-depth report, and depending on the time range covered, and the number of advanced agents, this report can grow quite large. Should the size of this report prove to be an issue, then you may want to consider creating a custom report, containing only the portions of the Executive Summary Report that you and your customer find the most value in.

Additionally, be aware that the Antivirus related reports do not currently reflect the Naverisk Security Center monitoring, and currently require monitoring via an appropriate device role configured with SLA Class Security to generate the reporting data.

Similarly, Backup related reports require a device role configured with SLA Class Backup to be applied to the backup device.

4.2 Service Desk

These reports are centered in and around the Naverisk ticketing system and if the ticket attributes are used, they can be used to determine what type of tickets you are receiving, while clients are generating the most tickets, and how speedily your technicians are churning through those tickets.

4.3 Device

Detailed information for your monitored device performance and statistics can be found in this category. Do note that a lot of the more detailed reports only run across advanced agents, and that the additional data collection will only be obtainable from the date that the agent has been upgraded.

The Device Summary Report is an easy to follow report that will give beneficial information around the device’s performance metrics over the time period. Whilst designed to list each device to a single page, it is possible that page runoff may occur if there are significant CPU cores and hard drive monitoring.

Another useful report is the Software Licensing Report, for generating a list of installed software and the versions across and entire client or by the using the device filter, specific devices.

Note that the report will either show the actual software installation date or the date the software was first picked up by the Naverisk software scan.

Also note that the report can be generated in different formats, and we generally recommend either an Excel or CSV format so that additional filtering and sorting can be applied.

Additionally, be aware that the Antivirus related reports do not currently reflect the Naverisk Security Centre monitoring, and currently require monitoring via an appropriate device role configured with SLA Class Security to generate the reporting data.

Similarly, Backup related reports require a device role configured with SLA Class Backup to be applied to the backup device.

Finally, the Device Audit Report can be used to determine what actions have been run via Naverisk on a device over the specified date range.

4.4 Billing 

Billing reports focused on the time and expense notes added into the system.

The Invoice Job Detail Report is our most comprehensive billable document designed to generate an end user facing billable invoice. There is a wide range of filters provided to ensure that you can obtain the specific billing that you need and this report can additionally export its information into the integrated accounting software QuickBooks or Xero with additional configuration found under Settings. Otherwise, if needed this can be exported into an Excel document for importing into other accounting platforms. Do note that this report generates a net total and does not apply tax.

You can also filter the Invoice Job Detail report by Projects:


Then you can select which Project you would like to show tickets for.

Another useful report is the Time Tracking Detail Report which can be used to generate how many hours have been logged across your clients, your technicians, and your configured Naverisk agreements.

4.5 Settings/Audit

The Audit Trail Detail Report is used to track changes made to the Naverisk system itself and includes the login/logout times of the users.

The Audit Alerts Templates, Applied OS Templates and Applied Roles reports will produce a list of what monitoring has been applied to which devices. These are extremely useful when bringing on a new client, to ensure you have the right monitoring in place.

5.0 Creating a Custom Report

Sometimes you may want to provide a client with a single Report document, containing multiple types Reports e.g. a Client Health Summary, Antivirus Summary, Availability Summary, Backup Summary or more.

  1. To create a custom Report, click on the Custom tab.

2. On the right hand side of the screen, click New Custom Report.

3. In the next window, give you Report a name, then from the Available Reports list, select a Report and click the Right Arrow to move it over to the Selected Reports Column

4. If you selected a Report that you do not want to use, click on the Report in the Selected Reports column, then click the Left Arrow to remove it.

5. Click Save to save this Report

6. You should then see your Report listed under the Custom tab

7. Click on new Report to bring up generator as per usual.

You have two output options

  • PDF

  • RTF (Rich Text Format)

6.0 Scheduling a Report

You can also use Scheduling in Naverisk to create a reoccurring task to generate an email you a specific Report.

  1. Select the Scheduling icon form the menu bar

2. Click on the arrows on the left to pop out your clients list, then select the client you wish to schedule a Report for.

3. Click on New Scheduled Job on the right
4. Give your Scheduled Job a Name. Choose your Schedule, and fill the respective details. In this example, I am going to generate a monthly Client Health Report. Make sure to check the box for Enabled if you wish to enable this job now.

5. Click on the Action tab

6. Under the Action section, click Run Report. Then choose your Report, and any other options you would like to have. Then fill in an email address to send this Report to. You can also choose the output format of the Report.

Note: Do not change anything in Pre-Action and Post-Action

7. Then click Save
8. You should then see your scheduled Report in the calendar view for your client.

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