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Learn all about Naverisk Documents. From where to access them to what each document type is.

Updated over a week ago


Naverisk Documents are accessible from Settings > Documents and from the search icon on the top right hand of your Naverisk instance. There are 4 different types of Document Article types which are explained in detail below. Documents are client specific but can be made available to sub-clients as required. All documents can be created and managed from Settings > Documents.

1.0 Article Types

Each Article Type available in Documents will be explained below.

1.1 Knowledge Base Article

Knowledge base articles can be accessed from the ServiceDesk tab by clicking on the Documents button. Knowledge base articles provide a reference guide for Engineers to use for storing processes, troubleshooting information, common resolutions and reference material.

They can also be accessed from within a ticket from the Documents Panel.

From the panel you can search the documents library, including KB articles and Canned Replies. By default, the ticket trigger is used as the search text, however this can be edited as required. The search can be made across all documents, or restricted to client-specific documents.

A list of documents matching the search is displayed, clicking on the required document will display it.

1.2 Canned Texts

The Canned Text Document is available for use from the Service Desk Tab. While composing a Public Reply (email) from a ticket, click the Canned Text button.

This will open the Insert Canned Text window, where you can choose one of the predefined canned text replies. 

1.3 Site Documents

Site Documents are meant for use as site specific reference guides. There can only be 1 such document per client, and it is accessible from the details of any Device. If you try to create more than 1 site document per client, a warning message will appear preventing you from doing so.

1.4 Site Document Template

This Document type can only be saved to the top level client of the logged in User. Its purpose is to provide a base template which can be customized, and saved to all sub-clients immediately making it available for widespread use. This is useful for Naverisk systems with a large number of clients.

2.0 Using Variables in Documentation

When writing Documents, you can make use of in built variables to populate your text with information automatically. You can do this by clicking the ‘Insert Variable’ button in the ‘Edit Document’ window. Some of the Variables are listed in the screenshot below. 

When inserted into a Document, these variables will be replaced with the correct information when they are opened for viewing.

2.1 Controlling Access to Site Documentation

If you create a Site Document but would like to restrict access to the Document based on User or User Group, then you can do so from Settings > Users & Groups. You can provide further Control Access by specifying whether a User can edit a Site Document in addition to accessing it.

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