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Naverisk 2021 R2
Updated over a week ago

Refined UI for more speed and precision

The latest release of Naverisk continues to make the application more intuitive with greater control over the devices and clients you manage. The aim here is to provide faster access to the tools you use most, for a better user experience.

Below we highlight some key features of this update, click here for the full release notes.

Devices Tab Upgrade

The devices section is one of the most active areas in Naverisk so we have given it an upgrade, with two new tabs to help bridge some of the functionality gaps of the past.

A new Software tab gives an overview of all applications installed at the device or client level. This section will make it easier to locate a specific version of software and make changes to any devices with it installed.

For example, a faulty version of a software has been exposed with vulnerabilities. Do a query with the new Quick Search bar to locate and update all workstations with the rogue version.

Winget for Updates

Naverisk is now using Microsoft Winget to manage software installed on Windows 10 and 11 Devices. If the Windows 10 device does not have the Winget already, Naverisk will install it to the selected device first.

Patching has a new home!

The Patching tab has been moved from the menu to a handy tab in the Devices section. This change was based on user data and feedback as devices and patching are normally used in succession, so it is more intuitive to have them in the same location with many tasks interconnected.

The new tab has all the same functions a before, but now in a more readily accessible location.

Global Quick Search

We’ve expanded the Ticket and Device quick search bar to include Software which will take you straight to the new tab in devices. This new search will allow you to quickly type a name and/or version of an application to check the status and make changes to clients devices where required.

You will find it now located in the top left of Naverisk, which should help speed up your workflow.

Device Statuses

In keeping with usability refinements, the 3 active device statuses have been renamed, to make things clearer for the technician.

Online: Agent is Connected and up to date

Maintenance Mode: Agent is in Maintenance Mode

Offline: Agent is Disconnected

Find a full list of agent statuses in the release notes below.

Custom Reports

We added an RTF output to all Custom Reports which will improve the compatibility and editing options. New custom reports created after the release of R2 will automatically be available as RTF documents also.

This is a quality-of-life upgrade requested by users.

Task Manager UI

The size of the task manager dialogue box has been increased for easier handling. We also added a restart services option to the services dropdown menu and a new view to let users filter on all running services, stopped services and stopped automatic services.

Other improvements

Outside of the features listed above, there are a raft of improvements across the entire application:

  1. OS Device Types for Windows 11 and Server 2022

  2. Dashboard added to the NEW button

  3. Classic theme removed, all user to standard UI

  4. Description field of grid character count increased

  5. Breadcrumb display for SNMP devices

  6. Reformat time lapse in Devices page

For a .pdf version of the release notes, you can download from the link below:

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We’re constantly striving to provide a better RMM, Service Desk & PSA platform for MSPs and IT service professionals. Our aim is to provide deep features at the best price. If you’re not already on the platform, get a demo of Naverisk today!

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