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Project Management

Use the Naverisk Project Management feature to group together multiple tickets that are related to a single piece of work.

Updated over a week ago


The new Naverisk Project Management feature supports tracking of multiple tickets associated with a single piece of work as a project. You can set the start and stop dates for projects, track and manage individual project ticket progress and invoice/bill for projects independently of your normal billing processes. Within a project tickets can be used to schedule engineering work.

The following document will outline how to:

  • Start and track projects - Start, end dates and progress on all tickets connected with the project.

  • Group multiple tickets into one managed piece of work.

  • Bill on your project independently of other services.

1.0 Create a Project

  1. Navigate to the Projects section from the left menu

  2. To start your very first project, on the Welcome to Naverisk Project Management page, click on click here to manage your first project. Once you have created the first, creating any further projects can be done by clicking on New Project in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

3. In the pop-up dialogue box, fill in the required fields.

Name: The name of your project.

Description: A short description of your project. 

Client: The Client that this project is associated with.

Project Template: The template from which you wish to create the project.

Owner: The team member who owns this project. This defaults to the person that has created the project.

Default Ticket Type: To match the ticket types in the Tickets tab when selecting tickets to add to the project.

Starts: The proposed start date of the project.

Ends: The proposed end date of the project.

Status: What status the project is currently in, In Progress, Completed, etc.

Once saved, the newly created project will be visible under that client in the Projects tab.

Tip: You can also move a newly created project to another client by updating the Client in Edit Project. Only do this prior to any tickets being attached.

1.1 Find an Existing Project

To find an existing project search for the client name in the left-hand panel, select and the associated projects for that client will appear in your list.

Alternatively, if you wish to see all Clients’ projects at once, click on Show Sub-Clients check-box.

2.0 Adding Tickets to a Project

Once a Project is created, tickets can be added and delegated out to your team. 

Click on the + sign on the left-hand side on the project name. This will show the options available to the project and display any existing steps / tickets associated with this project.

Add a ticket by clicking on the Add Ticket button on the far-right hand side of the screen.

A dialog box will appear where you can either attach existing tickets or create new tickets to add to that specific project.

2.1 Add an Existing Ticket

To add an existing client ticket to a project, enter the ticket number into the Existing Ticket Numbers field. Multiple tickets can be added by separating each with a comma. Click on Add Ticket and the selected ticket will be added to your project.

2.2 Select Tickets

You can select specific tickets to add to your project from the ticketing tab if they are set to the same Ticket Type.

  1. Ensure the Default Ticket Type is set correctly so the search can pick up similar Ticket Types (incident / Problem / Service Call / Change / Other_

  2. Choose the tickets you are after

  3. Add Tickets

2.3 Add a New Ticket

To create new tickets for a project, in the Add Ticket dialog box click on Add a New Ticket.

This will open the ticket editor, where you can enter the new ticket details in the same manner as when using the Service Desk.

Once you have filled in the required fields, click Save & Exit Ticket.

Note that when adding a New Ticket to a Project, the Project and Client will be auto-selected. The project is linked to the Client, so changing the Client will un-select the project.

You will now see that the new ticket is added to your project.

In the Tickets tab, you can move/remove a project from a specific ticket by opening the ticket in Edit Ticket, then either moving it to a new a new project or remove by setting the field to blank.

You must have access to the clients in question in order to move projects.

3.0 Projects Templates

With the new 2018 R3 release, Naverisk introduced the ability to create Project & Ticket templates.

This new template feature allows engineers to pre-define project settings and also create associated tickets when starting a new Project.

3.1 Creating Project Templates

In the Projects Tab, you can now access the Templates page, where you can create a new Template, as shown below:

The New Project Template dialog allow you to create a project with the following options and criteria:

  • Name 

  • Description

  • Existing Project

  • Default Ticket Type

By selecting Existing Project, you can create a template from an existing project.

Once you have created the new template, it will appear in the Templates page.

3.2 Creating Ticket Template

A new Project template also allows you to include new Tickets based on the Project template you select. This is helpful when you have a re-occurring projects with the same ticket configuration. You can also copy these Templates to Sub-Clients or Clone the Template. (Cloning the Template will create an exact copy of the cloned template under the selected client).

Creating a Ticket Template will allow you to set the Trigger, Description, Type and SLA Class for the ticket template.

Once Saved, the Project Template can contain a definition for both the Project and the connected Tickets.

You can add as many ticket template as you need, to a Project Template

3.3 Creating a New Project from Template

Creating a New Project from Template is quite straight forward. Simply select the New Project option from the Project page and in the New Project dialog, select a template from the available list of templates.

When saving the new Project, Tickets will also be created, based on all ticket templates associated with that Project Template.

4.0 Project Status

When someone in the assigned project team completes and closes a ticket, the Progress status will be updated to show the percentage complete.

The Progress is dependent on the number of tickets in the project. As below there are 3 tickets, each are counted as 33.3%. If you have 5 tickets, then the percentage would be 20% and so on.


  1. The Job Status in the Tickets tab only relates to the ticket, not the project.To check on the project Status go to the Project tab.

  2. The Project Status can be updated without affecting the Progress %. 

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