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Service Catalogue
Updated over a week ago

The service catalogue allows you to define recurring services, such as software licensing or cloud services that you wish to on-sell to your clients. These services are charged on a "per instance" basis, eg per user for Microsoft 365 licenses, or per endpoint for AntiVirus software.

To configure or edit recurring services, go to Settings > Service Catalogue. This will display a list of all recurring services.

Note that the Service Catalogue is "global", with the services available to all of your clients.

Single Services

To create a new service, click the New Service button. To edit an existing service, click the Edit button for the required service. This will open the New or Edit Service dialogue.

Enter a name and a description.

Select the service type from the dropdown list.

Select the appropriate vendor. If the vendor is not listed, you can add it under Settings > Vendors.

The Buy Price and Buy Frequency is the cost that you are billed for the service.

If required, you can charge the service to your client at a different frequency - this is configured under the appropriate Recurring Service Agreement.

The Sell Price and Sell Frequency is default amount your customer will be charged. These values will populate on recurring agreements and can be manually adjusted independently.

After saving the Service, you are able to add it to the required Recurring Service Agreements.

Bundle Services

To create a new bundle service, click the new bundle button. To edit an existing bundle, click the Edit icon on the selected row.

Enter a name and a description

Click on the Services tab and select the single services you wish to bundle together.

After saving the Service, you are able to add it to the required Recurring Service Agreements.

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